Damekova Saule Kayrollovna

Damekova Saule Kayrollovna


E-mail: Education

1986-1991 - Faculty of "Automation and Computing Technology" of the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute

2008 By the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Attestation in the Sphere of Education (Collegium N 12 dated November 27, 2008), the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.02 - Informatics, informatization of the education system was awarded

Main courses taught

Fundamentals of scientific research, Современные информационные технологии в обучении математике, Научно-методические основы информатизации образования, Radioelectronics

The field of scientific work - geoinformation technologies in science and education, theory and methods of teaching physical and mathematical disciplines at school and university.

2013-2015 head of the research project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Geo-information package of educational maps Atlas"

2021-2023 head of the research project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Creating a network of KAZCUNET Children's Universities"

"The best teacher of the university-2019"

Благодарственное письмо Министерства образования и науки РК «За вклад в развитие системы образования Казахстана» (2019г), поощрения и благодарственные письма департамента образования Акмолинского области, награждена юбилейной медалью 50-летия КГУ Ш. Уалиханова «КМУ ардагері»

Author of 1 monographs, 5 copyright certificates. for software, 4 textbooks, 2 teaching aids, author of more than 60 scientific and educational publications