Nauryzbekova Ainur Zhaskairatovna

Nauryzbekova Ainur Zhaskairatovna


E-mail: Education

higher education

Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov

Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzakhmetov

DAAD internship programme, Bremen, Germany

Main courses taught

  • Second foreign language (German)
  • Special Purpose Language (German)
  • Basic foreign language (English)

Scientific direction

Pedagogy and psychology

Summary of scientific and public activities

Methods for personal and professional self-determination in secondary school students

Advanced training

1)“English for Media Literacy” an online non-credit course authorized by University of Pennsylvania and offered through Coursera June 25, 2021 (online course on media literacy technologies for English language teachers approved by the University of Pennsylvania, USA on the Coursera platform) non-credit course Certificate 9RSFSTQ6KEG32)72 hours of Media Literacy MOOC Project Curriculum including “English for Media Literacy” on the Canvas Network, 12.05.2021-5.07.2021, Bilim Barine, US Embassy, Nur-Sultan Regionl English Language Office. Certificate by 05/07/212021; 3)2021, Researcher Academy On Campus «How to choose popular topic with Scopus»/ Elsevier; 4) Online course. 7-8 December 2021 ‘Conference on New Technologies in Education Designing New Educational Experiences ’ED Crunch Academy.5) 2022 ‘Using media programmes and Internet resources in teaching a foreign language’ Online course. Liberty Education Centre Certificate reg.№ 105833 from 23.04.2022 (72 hours). 6)2022 Master class «Cyberprofessor» Онлайн курс. Belgian Education Council; 7)2022 «Adaptive learning environments model» KAZUSA-Center of teachers’ professional achievement. Online training course in the volume 72 hours;

8) 2023 «Teaching Content and Language Integrated Lessons using Interactive Media». KAZUSA-Center of teachers’ professional achievement. Online training course in the volume 72 hours;

9) National online seminar ‘Educator's creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity’ National online seminar 15.12.2022.

10) October, 2022-February, 2023. Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) course/England online course Nottingham Trent University, Great Britain. (I, II, III modules). No. 00421292 26.03.2023 (Imodule)2023 26.03.2023 (Module II) No. 004213142023 26.03.2023 (Module II) No. 00421336 (Module III)
11)2023 Online teacher training TKT preparation course (module1-3) the following 360 minute webinar. Director of Professional Learning and Development-English Cambridge University Press & Assessmennt ERIC BABER /Cambridge/

12)20-29 May 2024. International scientific and methodological seminar-training ‘Effective integration of digital technologies of artificial intelligence (AI) and EdTech in the field of education, language teaching and scientific research’ organised by Turkic Academy with the support of Nazarbayev University. Certificate of 72 hours.

Major scientific publications in the last 5 years 2019-2024 (provide the URLof the web page on the original website of the journal where the publication is located on the Internet, or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI)).

1) Co-authored by: A.J. Makulbek, A.J. Nauryzbekova, E.M. Nurkatov, H. Tufekcioglu. ISSN 2616-6895, eISSN 2663-2497 Vestnik ENU named after L.N.Gumilev Series Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology. 2(147)/2024

ÕҒTAR 04.41.21 Ғylyami maqala: ‘Kazakhstan Republicsy men Türkiy Republicsyndagy akyl-oy kemistigi bar balalarga arnalgaan arnayy mektepke deyingi bilim beru zheyesine әleumettanulyk taldau’.

2) 15 February 2024 publication in the scientific edition ‘Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Journal “Vestnik Bobek”. Publication of the article on the topic: ‘Innovative methods of teaching a foreign language in education’, co-authored with the teacher of the Department of YA and L Zhumanova G.Zh. Publisher: OJL in the form of association ‘Nationwide Movement “Bobek” Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan’, e LIBRARY.RU RINC. Section ‘Philological Sciences’, 1 volume. Kazakhstan, Astana-2024.

3) 10-15 February 2023 participation in the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Science and Education in the modern world: Challenges of the XXI century’. Article on the topic: ‘The Improvement of teacher's practice based on action research’. Publisher: OJL in the form of association ‘Nationwide Movement “Bobek” Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan’, e LIBRARY.RU RINC. Section ‘Pedagogical Sciences’, XII volume. Usl.pec.l.75 p.l. Circulation 10 copies. Pages 9-12.

4) 10-15 December 2021 to participate in the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA». Article on the topic: "Poly-lingualism in Education". Publisher: UL in the form of association "Nationwide Movement "Bobek" Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan", e LIBRARY.RU RINC. Section "Pedagogical Sciences", X volume, 25 p.p. Circulation 10ex. Pp. 87-91

5).Шарипова А.С., Наурызбекова А.Ж.

ISBN 978-601-332-271-1 VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. "Science and Education in the Modern World: Challenges of the XXI Century" organized by the "Böbek" Foundation, RSCI, Section 09.Philological Sciences, vol. 2. 25 p.l., 60 copies. «Лингвомәдиниеттану туралы түсінік» Nur-Sultan c., 2020.

6) JANPEISOVA Zh.M. – teacher Kazakhstan, Almaty, Civil Aviation Academy

ABDRAKHMANOVA K.M. - associate teacher,

ZHUMANOVA G.Zh. - associate teacher,

NAURYZBEKOVA A.Zh. - associate teacher

ISSN 2518-167X Web of Scholar/Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal/RS Global Sp.zO.O/ Index by Copernicus/ Poland, Warsaw International Academy Journal Web of Scholar. Theme NEW DIRECTIONS IN AN INTERNATIONAL AIR CARGO TRANSPORTATION. Poland, Warsaw/ 2018г.