Amirzhanova Anara

Amirzhanova Anara


E-mail: Education

in 2000 she graduated from KSU named after. Sh.Ualikhanov specialty: fine arts and drawing (qualification teacher of fine arts and drawing)

in 2021 she graduated with honors from the Almaty Humanitarian and Economic University and was awarded the degree of Master of Education in the educational program 7M02101-Design, scientific and pedagogical direction.

Main courses taught

Computer graphics and design, Fundamentals of professional computer programs, Printing and layout, Design of graphic design objects

Scientific direction:

Ancient Turkic fine arts in modern graphic design of Kazakhstan

Brief summary of scientific and social activities:

Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Since 2012 Member of the Kazakhstan Union of Designers

Since 2022 Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers

In 2022 Members of the expert group of the model curriculum on the subject "Labor training" for elementary school grades 1, 2

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