Alieva Anar Zhantemirovna

Alieva Anar Zhantemirovna

Sir lecturer

E-mail: Education

1991-1996 Kokshetau Institute named after S. Sadvakasov engineer economist in the agroIndustrial complex

2009-2010 Kokshetau Institute of Economics and Management, Master of Economics in the specialty "Economics" direction: scientific and pedagogical.

Main courses taught

  1. 1. International standards of service in the hotel business
  2. 2. World theory and practice of hotel business
  3. 3. Reliability and maintenance of equipment of hotel and restaurant enterprises
  4. 4. Restaurant and hotel marketing
  5. 5. Theory and practice of restaurateurship
  6. 6. Economics of hospitality enterprises
  7. 7. Fundamentals of the hospitality industry
  8. 8. Infrastructure of hotels and restaurants
  9. 9. Management of hotels and restaurants
  10. 10. Organization of production at public catering enterprises
  11. 11. Advertising in the service sector
  12. 12. Fundamentals of economic theory
  13. 13. Microeconomics
  14. 14. Macroeconomics

Scientific direction

Tourism economy

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

Active work with students on writing scientific articles and research projects. Participation in republican Olympiads in the specialty of RDGB

Number of works