Kalzhanova Katira Amantayevna

Kalzhanova Katira Amantayevna

Sir lecturer

E-mail: Education

Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, specialty "Accounting and Audit" 2004, (specialist)

Kokshetau Institute of Economics and Management "Economics" (Master's degree) - 2010.

Main courses taught

- 1C: Accounting ;

- Tax accounting and reporting;

- Management accounting 1

Date of birth

03.04.1978 у.

Academic degree

Master of Economics

Academic title


Specialty code


Topic of doctoral dissertation


Position, place of work

KU them. Sh. Ualikhanov

- Lecturer of the Department of Business and Services

Scientific direction

Accounting, valuation, reflection on accounting accounts, international financial reporting standards.

Education (name of university)

Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, specialty "Accounting and Audit" 2004, (specialist)

Kokshetau Institute of Economics and Management "Economics" (Master's degree) - 2010.

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

Curator of the УИАР212 group





Number of graduates Ph.D., PhD, masters

- 1C: Accounting ;

- Tax accounting and reporting;

- Management accounting 1

Number of works

Scopus –0

Web of Science –0


HAC RF – 0

International conferences - 9

Monograph –

Training manuals – 3

Copyright certificates - 0

Main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2017-2022 (provide the URL of the web page on the original site of the journal, where the publication is located on the Internet, or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

1.Economic aspects of the country's interaction under the conditions of globalization

Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, KSU im. Sh. Ualikhanova, MNPC "Ualikhanovsky readings-21", Volume 5

  1. 2. materials of the International Scientific and practical conference "Shokan okulary-22"

"Second processing as a new key of the modern economy"

  1. 3. to the scientific and practical conference" Shokan readings - 26 ""the concept of balance sheet, its role and significance in the Financial Reporting System"

4. international scientific and Practical Conference Kokshetau 2019 "problems of development of the agro-industrial complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

