Murzagulov Nurymzhan Abayevich

Murzagulov Nurymzhan Abayevich

Senior lecturer

E-mail: Education

2018-2020 - NAO "Karaganda Medical University" - Master of Medical Sciences in specialty "Public Health"

Main courses taught

Fundamentals of Scientific Thinking, Fundamentals of Scientific Research, General Hygiene, Public Health

Scientific direction

Public Health

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

The topic of the master's thesis: "Prevalence of behavioral risk factors for non-communicable diseases among the adult population of the Karaganda region"

Number of works


Implementation of scientific projects with grant, program-targeted financing, on a business contract basis over the past 5 years (project name, IRN, years of implementation).

Grant funding project for scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 on the topic: "Clinical, diagnostic and morphological determinants of colon diseases: innovative approaches and solutions." (IRN: AP23484165)

Information on advanced training

  • "Virtual Medical Academy DR.SIM", Kokshetau. 7.12.20-9.12.20,, Certificate
  • Syndromological approach to diagnostics of multiple developmental defects, Kokshetau. 21.12-25.12.2020, LLP "Republican Center for Professional Development" Sanat ", 54 hours, Certificate
  • Academic Writing and Reading Almaty, 29.05.2021, MO RK Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, 72 hours, Certificate
  • Basic course for trainers to improve the pedagogical qualifications of employees of a medical educational organization on the module "Effective Teacher" Karaganda, from 12.07.2021 - 16.07.2021, NAO "Karaganda University of Karaganda", 60 hours, Certificate
  • Actual issues of histology, Kokshetau, 12.08.21-23.08.21, LLP "Republican Center for Professional Development" Sanat "in Kokshetau and Akm.region", 120 hours, Certificate
  • English language programme in Speaking. Kokshetau, September-December 2021. NAO "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", 72 hours, Certificate
  • "Management in education. Development of a university strategy. Development of the university's HR policy", Almaty from 11.11.2021 to 17.12.2021, Almaty Management University, 72 hours, Certificate
  • IELTS certificate, 2022, Level 7.0 (advanced)
  • Lecturer in medical education and science organizations in the cycle "Development of educational programs in the field of healthcare", Almaty, 01.08-06.08 2022, Kazakh National University named after S.Zh. Asfendiyarova, 60 hours, Certificate
  • Implementation of a comprehensive program of continuous integrated medical education, Astana from April 21 to 28, 2023, NAO "Astana Medical University", 60 hours, Certificate
  • "Care and training on simulation equipment", Kokshetau. 12/4/23-12/14/23, 72 hours, Certificate
  • "Increasing Productivity with Generative AI", Kokshetau, December 13-29, 2023, "Tuning Plus Center", 40 hours, Certificate
  • "Regulatory and Methodological Support for Inclusive Education in Higher Education", Kokshetau, NAO "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", Institute of Continuous Education, 72 hours, May 2024, Certificate

Main scientific publications

  • FACTORS FOR NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES AMONG THE ADULT POPULATION OF THE KARAGANDA REGION - «Viral revolution and modern education: challenges and new opportunities» The International conference of Association "Society for Academic Activity", November – December, 2020г, Nis, Serbia.
  • Prevalence of behavioral risk factors of noninfectious diseases - Астана медициналық журналы №4(106), 2020
  • Prevalence of modifiable risk factors for non-communicable diseases among the adult population of the Karaganda region - Astana Medical Journals No. 4(106), 2020
  • Analysis of the prevalence of behavioral risk factors for non-communicable diseases among the adult population of the Karaganda region - Materials of the Fifteenth Eurasian Scientific Conference: PRENOSOLOGY 2020 - Risk factors, population (individual) health in hygienic prenosological diagnostics, St. Petersburg 2020
  • *Prevalence of behavioral risk facts of non-communicable diseases among the adult population of the Karaganda region - Collection of materials of the XIV All-Russian (88th Final) Student Scientific Conference with international participation, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Clinics of SamSMU: "Student science and medicine of the XXI century: traditions, innovations and priorities", Samara 2020
  • Вопросы Безопасности Здоровья и Управления Качеством Услуг здравоохранения в Республике Казахстан. Science & Medicine 3-4 (11-12) декабрь 2023г С.К. Муратбекова, Ю.В. Лисицын, Н.А. Мурзагулов
  • Прерывистая катетеризация мочевого пузыря как «золотой стандарт» лечения нейрогенного мочевого пузыря у лиц, с повреждением спинного мозга. Наука и Здравоохранение, 2024 Т.26 (2). Муратбекова С.К., Жангалов Б.Б., Мурзагулов Н.А, Лисицын Ю.В