Tleubergenova Zhildyz Baurzhanovna

Tleubergenova Zhildyz Baurzhanovna

Senior lecturer

E-mail: Education

NSC after Sh . Ualikhanov

Main courses taught

Structural foundations of life, Academic writing, Genetics and Molecular Biology, General Hygiene.

Scientific direction


Brief summary of scientific and social activities

Author of 6 scientific publications, developer of syllabuses.


"Presidential Scholarship" and scholarship of the "Academic Council"


Republican Olympiad on the subject of "Biology" among students (3rd place, Pavlodar, 2016)

The head of the student of KHMC Bektimirova A. - the winner in the competition among students of medical colleges(Aktobe, 2018)

(Aktobe, 2018)

Number of works


Implementation of scientific projects of grant, program-targeted financing, on a contractual basis for the last 5 years (name of the project, IRN, years of implementation).


Information on advanced training

  1. 2022- Certificate of advanced training in the certification cycle "Modern aspects of molecular biology" in the amount of 120 hours
  2. 2022 – Certificate No. 219 of Tleubergenova Zhuldyz Baurzhanovna, graduated from courses on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff in the subjects "Biology" and "Natural Science" as part of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 80 academic hours.
  3. 2023- The Certificate hereby certifies that Tleubergenova Zhuldyz has successfully completed a 28-hour academic English language program at Speaking. (28 hours)
  4. 2023 - Certificate of Tleubergenova Zh.B., confirms that she has successfully completed a training program on working with simulators in virtual reality (16-hour field seminar). "Emergency medical assistance station", "Ambulance station", "Tracheostomy", "Communication skills of medical personnel", "Indirect ophthalmoscopy".
  5. 2023- Publication on participation in the webinar of John Willey & Sons publishing house on the topic "How to prepare an article for publication" (4 hours) 2023 – Certificate of Tleubergenova Zhuldyz Baurzhanovna, took part in the International scientific and practical conference "Shokan okulary" which took place at Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov.
  6. 2019 – A certificate was issued to Tleubergenova Zhuldyz Baurzhanovna stating that she completed a scientific internship at the Department of Biophysics and Biomedicine of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the period from February 18 to 27
  7. 2019, 30.06.2024-publication of the newspaper "Introduction to AI and GPT"No. 72 p.
  8. 20.05.2024- advanced training course "Normative and methodological support of inclusive education in higher education" 72h.
  9. Health policy in the field of quality of medical services and risk management. Athens, Greece 06/17/2024 – 06/28/2024
  10. EU–funded LMQS WPS 3.1 project. Niia, Hungary 01.07.2024 - 12.07.2024

Main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2017-2022 (provide the URL of the web page on the original site of the journal where the publication is located on the Internet, or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI)).

  1. Айдосова С.С., Дурмекбаева Ш.Н., Тлеубергенова Ж.Б. «Характеристика биостимулятора Seedspor – C и его действие на некоторые сорта яровой пшеницы»

2. Айдосова С.С., Дурмекбаева Ш.Н., Тлеубергенова Ж.Б. « Влияние биостимулятора Seedspor – C на посевные качества семян яровой пшеницы»

3. Тлеубергенова Ж.Б. «Роль эдвайзера в системе высшего образования и становлении будущего специалиста»

4. МООК курс по дисциплине «Структруные основы жизнедеятельности»

5. Роль эдвайзера-куратора в системе высшего учебного заведения и в формировании будущего специалиста.Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Шоқан оқулары – 27» Казахстан, Кокшетау- 2023

6. Биоритмы и их воздействие на физиологические процессы и работоспособность студентов..Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Шоқан оқулары – 28»,2024. Тлеубергенова Ж.Б.,Токтарова А.Б.