Student dormitories
The university has 5 student dormitories
The total design capacity is 1365 beds.
All dormitories have shower rooms, automatic washing machines, kitchens equipped with electric stoves, and free Internet access (Wi-Fi).
The dormitories maintain access control through cards and turnstiles.
The procedure for allocating places in a dormitory is carried out according to the rules in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 219 dated December 30, 2022 “On approval of the Rules for allocating places in dormitories of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education”
Upon check-in, the student is required to undergo a medical examination.
The student provides the dormitory commandant with an application, identification card, medical certificate, and receipt of payment for accommodation.
The procedure for determining the amount of payment for the use of living space in dormitories is established in accordance with the current legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the actual costs of maintaining the dormitory. Orphan students stay for free.

справка СВОБОДНЫЕ МЕСТА 1 апреля 2024