Pedagogical retraining
One of the main activities of the Institute of Continuing Education at the NAO "Kokshetau University named after Shokan Ualikhanov" is conducting pedagogical retraining courses.
According to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2020 No. 110, pedagogical retraining courses are conducted by the university for persons with professional education who do not have a pedagogical education, who are starting the professional activity of a teacher in the relevant profile for the first time.
The order of pedagogical retraining:
- in the process of studying at the pedagogical retraining courses, the student studies the module of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, as well as compulsory pedagogical practice;
- duration of training: 6.5 months;
- the volume of the training program is 40 credits;
- the development of the educational program of pedagogical retraining is completed by the final certification of students;
- students who have successfully completed the training course are issued a certificate of completion of the retraining course.
The list of educational programs of pedagogical retraining of NAO "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov" for the academic year 2024-2025:
- Pedagogy and methods of preschool education;
- Pedagogy and methods of primary education;
- Social educator, tutor of inclusive education;
- Mathematics;
- Physics;
- Physical education and sports;
- English language;
- Chemistry;
- Geography;
- Biology;
- Computer Science and Robotics;
- History;
- Kazakh language and literature;
- Artistic work.
Applicants to the courses must provide the following documents:
1) an application addressed to the Rector of the university;
2) a copy of the identity document;
3) a copy of the document on higher education (with an attachment)
4) Two 3x4 photos;
5) medical certificate form 075/u "Medical certificate (medical professional advisory opinion)", approved by Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-175/2020 "On approval of forms of accounting documentation in the field of healthcare"
If you have any questions, please contact:
NAO "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", Institute of Continuing Education:
- Contact phone: +7 (7162) 25-14-11
- Аddress: Akmola region, Kokshetau, Abay street 76, building №1 (main building, office 321).