The activity of the editorial and publishing department is a complex of activities and organizational and technical works aimed at the release of scientific, educational, methodological, reference, informational, visual and other publications at Sh. Ualikhanov KU.
The main task is the organization and implementation of editorial and publishing activities and the publication of various types of literature in order to ensure the educational process at the university with high-quality printed and electronic publications, popularization of the results of university research, advertising and other types of work provided for by the Laws "On Education", "On Science", "On Innovation", "On standardization", "On certification", regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, interstate and international standards, the Charter of Sh. Ualikhanov KU, decrees.
The editorial-publishing department publishes books, textbooks, monographs, etc. with an ISBN designation. Abstracts and dissertations according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Publication of educational and methodical literature is organized on the basis of the annual thematic plan for the publication of educational, scientific literature, reviewed and approved by the educational-methodological council of the university. A set of organizational and technical measures aimed at issuing methodological, informational, promotional publications, collection of text and photo materials, as well as their editing is carried out.
Various products for intra-university, city, regional, interregional and republican events are developed and printed in a timely and efficient manner, as well as a large number of educational and methodological literature:
The Editorial and publishing department of Sh. Ualikhanov KU carries out the entire cycle of production of printed products from design and layout to post-printing processing. The editorial and publishing department of Sh. Ualikhanov KU invites everyone to use the services of our department. During the day we receive a huge number of orders for various printing products. This is the production and printing of a variety of products, ranging from branded business cards, image and souvenir brochures, portfolios, magazines, invitation cards, booklets, flyers, etc. up to design development, editing, typesetting, proofreading and printing of educational, educational and methodical, fiction literature in soft and hardcover. The editorial and publishing department of Sh. Ualikhanov KU is a full-cycle enterprise that will offer you high-quality printing. We produce products in both small and medium editions, with an individual approach to each client. The credo of our department is quality, short production time and affordable prices. Today, not many printing houses in the city of Kokshetau can claim the above advantages.
Today, books, despite the spread of electronic media, are still popular, because no gadget will ever be able to replace the printed version.Editorial and Publishing Department of the University named after Sh.Ualikhanov carries out high-quality printing of books in soft and hardcover on individual projects. We approach our work creatively, take into account all the wishes of customers and fulfill the order on time.How much does it cost to print books?It all depends on the complexity of the order – the type of paper, the availability of images, color or black-and-white printing, the firmware of the book block, and so on. With a limited budget or a trial version of printing, you can order the printing of books in small editions with the possibility of subsequent reprint.If you still have questions and you want to know how much your book will cost, we are always ready to advise on possible manufacturing options, price and timing.
Editorial and publishing departmentof Sh. Ualikhanov KUWork schedule:9.00 to18.00Sat.-Sun. day offbreak hours: 13.00 to 14.00Our address: Kazakhstan, Akmola region, Kokshetau,Temirbekov str. 30a, entrance from M. Auezov str.EPD Sh. Ualikhanov KU
Құрметті әріптестер!
Сіздерді Ұлыстың ұлы күні – Наурыз мейрамымен шын жүректен құттықтаймыз! Наурыз – жаңару мен жақсылықтың, бірлік пен берекенің мерекесі. Бұл күнде табиғат оянып, жаңа өмір басталады, ал адамдар бір-біріне ізгі тілектерін арнайды.
Осы айтулы мерекеде әр шаңыраққа құт-береке, ырыс пен молшылық тілейміз. Ұжымымыздағы ынтымақ арта берсін, шығармашылық шабыт пен жаңа жетістіктерге жете берейік! Көңілдеріңізге шаттық, еңбектеріңізге табыс, отбасыларыңызға амандық тілейміз.
Ұлыс оң болсын, ақ мол болсын!
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