Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

  • Training of highly qualified personnel in physics, with high social and civil responsibility, capable of carrying out professional activities in all directions
  • Education and formation of a comprehensively developed personality
  • Formation of systematized knowledge in the field of physics
  • Academic writing
  • Astronomy
  • Higher mathematics 1
  • Higher mathematics 2
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Classical mechanics
  • Solid state physics
  • Mechanics
  • Workshop on solving problems in mechanics and molecular physics
  • Molecular physics
  • Optics
  • Statistical physics and fundamentals of physical kinetics
  • Basics of project activities for students in physics
  • Physical experiment technique
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Electrodynamics
  • Methods for solving problems in atomic physics
  • Theory of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles
  • Atomic physics
  • Biophysics
  • Selected Chapters of Biophysics
  • Hydrogasdynamics
  • Fundamentals of Quantum Optics
  • Methods of mathematical physics
  • Olympic tasks
  • Workshop on solving problems in optics and electricity
  • Radioelectronics
  • Basics of radio electronics
  • Mechanics of liquids and gases
  • Continuum Physics
  • Virtual laboratory workshop in physics
  • Methods for solving problems in physics
  • Mathematical modeling of physical and mechanical processes
  • Methodological basis for solving physical problems 1
  • Methodological basis for solving physical problems 2
  • Computer methods of physics
  • Nuclear physicso Methods for solving problems in nuclear physics
  • Methods for solving problems in nuclear physics

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Use media and communications to convey necessary information
  • Be able to communicate effectively with others, convey your thoughts, both in writing and orally
  • Apply a creative approach when completing tasks, both in educational and scientific and educational activities
  • Possess the skills and abilities of constructive communication in a multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, be tolerant and capable of cooperation
  • Possess a system of subject knowledge, skills and abilities, applying theoretical knowledge in professional activities, taking into account specific conditions
  • Demonstrate knowledge in disciplines of subject training in physics for their application in solving physical problems
  • Be able to apply experimental calculation methods to solve various practice-oriented tasks of a scientific, laboratory and educational nature
  • Know the basic laws of physics as applied to the description and modeling of technological processes
  • Plan and organize scientific and design work using physical research methods