Chemistry of biologically active compounds
Educational program code


Language of instruction


Learning level


Duration of study

2 years

Objectives of the educational program

The implementation of education aimed at training highly qualified personnel with modern chemical skills and leadership qualities through the introduction of innovative learning technologies for the formation of leadership competencies in the framework of the study of disciplines, ensuring the training of qualified, competitive masters of chemistry who meet modern requirements with higher education in the field of chemistry of biologically active compounds in English.


The uniqueness of the educational program

The uniqueness of the educational program 7M05303 ‒ «Chemistry of biologically active compounds» lies in its specialized focus, integration of innovative teaching methods, interdisciplinary approach, teaching in English and the inclusion of modern methods of analytical chemistry. The program provides undergraduates with access to advanced analytical techniques, including NMR spectroscopy, which allows them to carry out qualitative analysis of biologically active compounds and conduct fundamental research in this field. Studying in English opens up opportunities for undergraduates to international study, research and career opportunities.

  • History and philosophy of sciences
  • Foreign language (Professional)
  • Pedagogy of higher school
  • Management psychology
  • Research Culture and Scientific Ethics
  • Chemistry of biologically active compounds
  • Modern technologies of educating of chemistry are in institutions of higher learning
  • Select heads of high molecular compounds
  • Chemistry of polyelectrolytes and biopolymers
  • Chemistry of Natural Compounds
  • Methodology of scientific information retrieval

  • Methods for solid-phase synthesis of biologically active compounds
  • Methods for isolation and purification of biologically active compounds
  • Thermal and spectral methods for studying polymers
  • Methods for studying the structure and properties of polymer solutions
  • Contemporary problems of organic chemistry
  • Рreparative organic chemistry
  • NMR spectroscopy methods in the study of organic compounds
  • Methods of research of organic compounds
  • Chemical medicinal matters
  • Bioorganic chemistry

Learning outcomes and competencies

Other educational programs