Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

This Educational Programme (EP) "Chemistry" is a national teacher education curriculum, which has been designed in collaboration by various Kazakh universities and with international consulting. Due to the nature of a national curriculum, the descriptive texts within the curriculum do not provide specific information but highlight general pedagogical principles and cross-cutting themes (see also Annex 1.). The more detailed descriptions of e.g. methodologies and assessment will be identified in the implementation plans of the universities, considering also institutional and regional specific conditions.

Educational programme (EP) "Chemistry" is a teacher education programme for pre-service teachers who wish to specialize in teaching chemistry in educational establishments (schools, colleges, high schools). EP consists of a pedagogical component 60 academic credits (incl. pedagogical practice), a compulsory component 56 credits, and a subject component 124 academic credits (incl. a final attestation of 8 academic credits).

The subject component consists of 5 modules: "Chemistry around us", "Applied Chemistry", "Chemical Structure and Functions", "Energy and Mechanism of chemical processes", "Pedagogical approach to teaching chemistry".

EP is focused on training a chemistry teacher who is able to conduct research of a scientific, laboratory and educational nature, synthesize knowledge of related sciences as a product of integrated processes, develop their own moral and civic position in the context of sustainable development, use language competences for the implementation of academic and professional activities. After graduation, pre-service teachers possess subject competences of conceptual and theoretical knowledge in chemistry, experimental research activities, knowledge of applied and related sciences.

EP provides an equal opportunity for learning without compromising pre-service teachers' rights and interests, preserving the principles of equality, respect, tolerance. It is interdisciplinary, student-oriented, scientifically integrated and problem-oriented by nature, and the selection of courses is guided by the topical issues of history and society and corresponds also to the international course descriptors.

EP is based on the principles of constructive alignment, where teaching and assessment methods, as well as subject-specific courses are selected to ensure the achievement and measurement of the competences outlined in the EP. The EP also follows an inclusive approach considering the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional composition of per-service teachers and their versatile needs for support of learning.

  • Fundamentals of chemical production
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Biogeochemical analysis of natural objects
  • Atomic structures and periodicity
  • Chemical bond and structure
  • Chemistry of carbon and its compounds
  • Physical chemistry
  • Chemistry of solutions
  • Academic letter
  • Chemistry laboratory and risk management
  • Teaching structural and substantive sections of chemistry at school
  • Organization of students' project activities in chemistry
  • Solving problems in chemistry

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Ecological education and sustainable development
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry in everyday life
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Colloidal chemistry
  • Design and data processing in chemistry
  • Chemometrics
  • Art of Chemical Synthesis
  • Nanochemistry
  • Introduction to Chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Thermochemistry
  • Kinetics and catalysis
  • Electrochemistry
  • Radiochemistry
  • CLIL in chemistry lessons
  • STEM education

Learning outcomes and competencies

Pre-service teachers have basic knowledge and understanding of learning and students and are able consider the diversity of students in learning/teaching process and support their well-being in psychologically and ethically sound manner considering their life and learning contexts.

Pre-service teachers are capable to design, implement, assess, and develop learning and guidance processes in different kinds of learning environments in a pedagogically meaningful way including ability to utilize different digital resources in a manner that supports learning.

Pre-service teachers are able to communicate in different interactive relationships and partner networks in a meaningful manner both in face-to-face and online settings with regard to the goals set for the activity in question.

Pre-service teachers are capable of working in different collaboration networks and have the ability to create new relationships that are appropriate for the development of one's own and one's community activities.

Pre-service teachers are able to teach in accordance with the tri-lingual approach in secondary education and participate in the global professional community.

Pre-service teachers are familiar with the international and national agreements and documents as well as legislation that affects his/her institution´s and his/her work.

Pre-service teachers are able to (a) to perceive his / her own activities in relation to the activities of his/her organization, and (b) work in a meaningful way to create positive relationships between the partners outside the school (families, regional actors, working life).

Pre-service teachers are able to reflect and critically assess their values, attitudes, ethical principles and work methods as a teacher and are able to set new goals to his/her own and his/her organization´s pedagogical development.

Pre-service teachers are able to develop his / her own and his / her organization's pedagogical activities in relation to the anticipated changes at regional, national and international level.

Pre-service teachers are able to produce, seek and critically select theoretical knowledge that, combined with experiential knowledge, serves the development of both him/her and his/her community's theory-in-use, and the ability and willingness to use knowledge to promote learning and own professional growth.

3.2 Subject-specific and Generic Competence Areas/Learning Outcome

Pre-service teachers are able to explain and apply conceptual knowledge to substantiate the laws and patterns of changes in substances from a natural science point of view;

Pre-service teachers are able to apply various models to describe and explain the structure of matter and chemical processes, establish a connection between the structure of matter and its properties.

Pre-service teachers are able to generalize and systematize scientific knowledge and teach ways to obtain and critically evaluate various sources of information.

Pre-service teachers are able to analyze and discuss the impact of science on the environment

Pre-service teachers demonstrate the ability to apply experimental computational methods to solve various practice-oriented tasks of a scientific, laboratory and educational nature;

Pre-service teachers have the knowledge and skills to pose questions as a starting point for research ;

They are able to give instructions and conduct experimental research in cooperation, safely and consistently achieve their goals, as well as process, interpret, present and evaluate both the results and the entire research process.;

Pre-service teachers are able to plan the educational process and various activities of students in teaching chemistry;

Pre-service teachers have communication strategies and skills of collaborative work

Pre-service teachers are able to understand, present and critically analyze basic information in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

Pre-service teachers are able to develop their own moral and civic position in the context of sustainable development.

Pre-service teachers are able to synthesize knowledge of related sciences as a modern product of integrative processes for further teaching students to understand the application of chemistry in technology and participate in cooperation with students and specialists in various fields in the creation of ideas, design, development and application of the results obtained.

Pre-service teachers are able to use language competencies and information and communication technologies to receive, process and present information and research results, involve students in the learning process using modeling illustrating various phenomena.

Pre-service teachers are able to argue their own position and teach students to understand the importance of applying knowledge of chemistry to build a sustainable future and evaluate their own choices in ter

3.3 Compulsory component: Competence Areas/Learning Outcome

Pre-service teachers are able to assess the surrounding reality on the basis of ideological positions, formed by a knowledge of the fundamentals of philosophy, which provide scientific understanding and study of the natural and social world by methods of scientific and philosophical knowledge.

Pre-service teachers are capable to interpret the content and specific features of the mythological, religious and scientific worldview

Pre-service teachers have deep understanding and scientific analysis of the main stages, patterns and characteristics of the historical development of Kazakhstan.

Pre-service teachers are able to analyse the causes and consequences of the events in the history of Kazakhstan.

Pre-service teachers are able to develop their own moral and civic position and able to operate with the social, business, cultural, legal and ethical norms of society.

Pre-service teachers have knowledge and understanding of the basics of socio-political, economic and legal studies and are able to demonstrate personal and professional competitiveness.

Pre-service teachers are able to assess situations and provide arguments for their own assessments of developments in the social and work environment.

Pre-service teachers are able to assess situations in various spheres of interpersonal, social and professional communication and enter into communication in oral and written forms in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.

Pre-service teachers are able to use in their personal activities various types of information and communication technologies: Internet resources, cloud and mobile services for searching, storing, processing, protecting and distributing information.

Pre-service teachers are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle to achieve productive social and professional activities through the methods and means of physical education.

Pre-service teachers are able to select methodology and analysis, use scientific research methods and techniques, and synthesise new knowledge.

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