Computer Science and Robotics (multilingual training)
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

  • Organization of the pedagogical process using innovative methods
  • Education of the student's personality, able to integrate into a multilingualenvironment
  • Formation of systematized knowledge and practical skills in the field of computerscience, robotics and information and communication technologies
  • Development of students' skills in design and research activities


The relevance of the program is due to the need to train a computer science and roboticsteacher capable of teaching in Kazakh, Russian and English, in connection with theintroduction of trilingual education and digitalization of the education system in theRepublic of Kazakhstan


Ensures the implementation of the state educational standard for the training ofteaching staff, taking into account the regional needs of the labor market and theneeds of students

The trends of the modern approach in the field of multilingual education in theRepublic of Kazakhstan, changes in the organization of educational activities forthe implementation of higher professional education programs, changes in thecontent of the discipline “Informatics” in secondary schools related to the renewalof education are taken into account

The list of OP disciplines is aimed at developing competencies that meet therequirements of employers and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs”Atameken".

  • 3D modeling
  • Academic writing
  • Computer architecture
  • Education management and digitalization
  • Inclusive education
  • Computer networks
  • Technologies of criterion assessment
  • Physiology of schoolchildren
  • Fundamentals of Robotics I
  • Fundamentals of Robotics II
  • Pedagogy
  • Introduction to the teaching profession
  • Workshop for solving Olympiad problems in computer science
  • Programming I
  • Programming II
  • Development of Arduino
  • Based devices
  • Theory and methodology of educational work
  • Visual C#
  • Web programming
  • User interface design
  • Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic
  • Information security and information protection
  • Operations Research
  • Computer Animation (Maya)
  • Computer graphics (Adobe Illustrator)
  • Computer Graphics (CorelDRAW)
  • Computer modeling in AutoCAD
  • Computer simulation in Compass
  • Computer video editing and animation
  • Methodology for developing thematic portfolios
  • Optimization Methods
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Basics of ROS (Robot Operating System)
  • Basics of Cloud Computing
  • Basics of Java Programming
  • Fundamentals of design and research activities
  • Pedagogical technologies in computer science
  • Workshop for solving problems in higher mathematics
  • Programming in robotic simulators
  • Programming in Python
  • Programming in R
  • Development of databases and information systems
  • Development of mobile applications for Android
  • Development of mobile applications for IOS
  • Development of educational animation and animation
  • Creation of EOR
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Numerical methods
  • School textbook on computer science

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Describe the processes of organizing professional activities in accordance with theConstitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regulatory documents,knowledge of national policy and social priorities, historical and current situationin the world
  • Critically evaluate and present your own and team opinion in one of threelanguages (state, Russian, English) in a reasoned manner for the constructivesolution of professional tasks in the field under study
  • Integrate knowledge and skills in the disciplines of the mathematical cycle tosolve problems of an applied nature in the field under study
  • Apply in practice the knowledge of the theory and methodology of teachingcomputer science and robotics, innovative technologies of teaching andupbringing, criteria-based assessment based on their own methodologicaldevelopments (short-term, medium-term, long-term planning, materials of FO,SOC, SOR, etc.) for the organization of the educational process, within theupdated content of education, taking into account age and special educationalneeds of students (inclusive education) in the field of study
  • Analyze the architectural features of the construction of computing systems anddesign database management systems, expert systems, Internet applications,robotic systems and complexes, computer network administration systems in thefield under study
  • Create static and dynamic 2D, 3D models, graphic images, video files and othergraphic objects for use in the educational process
  • Develop programs for solving practice-oriented tasks in modern programminglanguages in the field under study
  • Develop projects in the field of robotics using modern information andcommunication, digital technologies and robotic systems to enhance the cognitiveand research activities of students in the field of study
  • Apply the principles and culture of academic integrity, research methods andacademic writing in the field of study.