Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English, German)
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

2 years

Objectives of the educational program

  • Preparation of undergraduates for independent scientific and pedagogical activities at all levels of the education system, including higher postgraduate and additional professional, taking into account the updated content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Application by the master's graduate of the acquired professional skills in the use of innovative technologies and independent research skills for self-development during a teaching career;
  • Specialization of masters in the field of using a foreign language in research and methodological activities for work in international scientific communities and organizations of teachers in a professional environment.

  • History and philosophy of science
  • Informatization and computerization of scientific research
  • Higher education pedagogy
  • Research culture and scientific ethics
  • Distance learning forms and methods in higher education
  • Methods of teaching a second foreign language
  • Organization and planning of scientific research
  • Foreign language for academic purposes

  • Basic paradigms of language theory as the basis for methods of teaching English
  • Teaching critical and creative thinking based on philological analysis of text
  • Multilingual education in Kazakhstan – organization of problems and prospects
  • Implementation of inclusive education in foreign language teaching
  • Intercultural communication theory
  • Assessing the quality and effectiveness of training materials

  • Methodology for stage interpretation of text

    Main problems of language typology

    Problems of specialized and professional foreign language education

Learning outcomes and competencies

● Analyze the acquired scientific knowledge in the field of psychology, pedagogy, theory and practice of foreign languages;

● Develop arguments and solve problems in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages;

● formulate, justify your position and evaluate judgments in a detailed form on scientific professional topics

● have the ability to communicate verbally and in writing in foreign languages ​​in the professional and scientific spheres of communication;

● use modern methods and technologies in teaching foreign languages ​​and conduct scientific and methodological research in a future career in education;

● apply leadership qualities in the process of team, project and research work in a professional environment for the purpose of self-improvement and self-realization of the teacher’s personality