Foreign language: two foreign languages in the basic school (German, English)
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects

Foreign language (English)
The World History

Objectives of the educational program

  • Formation of professional competencies of the future teacher of a foreign language using innovative educational technologies in the context of the updated content of education
  • Education of a tolerant, multicultural personality with the formation of a respectful attitude to the studied language, culture and a sense of Kazakhstani patriotism
  • Development of language abilities, culture of speech behavior, leadership positions of students based on developed emotional intelligence through the organization of project activities
  • Mastering social and moral values and norms that contribute to the integration of a foreign language teacher into the modern social structure of society

Актуальность —

Определяется необходимостью сохранения и возрождения исторического и культурного наследия, языка и традиций немецкого этноса в Акмолинской области. Особого внимания заслуживает потребность создать психолого-педагогические условия для приобретения высокого общего интеллектуального уровня развития обучающимися, овладения ими грамотной и развитой речью, гуманитарной культурой мышления и навыками научной организации труда.

Особенности —

Обеспечивает реализацию государственного образовательного стандарта с учетом региональных потребностей рынка труда и запросов обучающихся.

Учитываются тенденции современного подхода в области иноязычного образования в Республики Казахстан, изменения в организации образовательной деятельности по реализации программ высшего профессионального образования.

Перечень дисциплин ОП направлен на развитие компетенций, соответствующих требованиям работодателей.

  • o Special course "History of the Germans in Kazakhstan"
  • Academic writing (in English)
  • German for specific purposes (level C1)
  • Basic German (level C1, C2)
  • Basic foreign language
  • Education management and digitalization
  • Language for special purposes of the second FL
  • Second foreign language (level B1)
  • Criteria-based assessment technologies
  • Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication
  • Physiology of the development of schoolchildren
  • Lexicology of the German language
  • Practical grammar of the German language (level A2)
  • Pedagogy
  • Introduction to the teaching profession
  • Theory and methodology of educational work
  • Fundamentals of linguistics
  • Methods of foreign language education

  • Syntax of the 1st foreign language
  • Syntax of the 2nd foreign language
  • German for Special Purposes (level C2)
  • Fundamentals of translation theory
  • Practice of oral and written speech (level B2) and methods of teaching a second foreign language
  • Basic German (level B1)
  • Basic German (level B2)
  • Second foreign language (level B2)
  • Second foreign language (level C1)
  • Professionally oriented foreign language
  • Fundamentals of learning to read fiction
  • Specialized professional foreign language (main)
  • Fundamentals of German language theory
  • Theoretical foundations of the formation and development of the German language
  • Literature of the country of the language being studied and the Germans of Kazakhstan
  • Stylistics and functional styles
  • German reading at home
  • Analysis of phraseological universals

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Demonstrate in practice communication skills (native, foreign languages) based on the formed personal civic position and tolerance
  • Apply language skills in situations of foreign language communication in the context of research activities
  • Apply in practice the knowledge of the functional and stylistic features of the culture of oral and written speech in a foreign language to work with foreign language information in the process of solving educational, research and professional tasks
  • Birnesheshettilderin, shettilderindezhazbashzhәneauyzshacommunications to the manager
  • Demonstrate commitment to the principles of academic integrity, trust and personal growth (leadership, teamwork, negotiation, critical thinking, conflict prevention and resolution techniques) in a foreign language environment
  • Make management decisions at different levels of solving complex problems related to the organization of educational services
  • Possess a system of subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, skills and abilities to apply theoretical knowledge in professional activities, taking into account specific socio-pedagogical conditions
  • Interpret the results obtained, strive for self-assessment and self-control, for fairness and objectivity