Public health
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

5 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

Training of highly qualified competitive healthcare professionals with special knowledge and skills in the field of public health, management, quality and risk management in healthcare, capable of promoting innovative areas of modern management and developing medical and social measures to preserve and improve the health of the population.



The mission of the Educational program 6B10102 "Public Health" is "Inspired by modern scientific achievements, we form the leaders of the future! Our program is aimed at developing talented and creative specialists equipped with knowledge and skills to solve urgent global health problems and sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, using advanced technologies and achievements of modern scientific research."


The educational program will prepare qualified specialists with special knowledge and skills in quality in the healthcare system, experts for practical healthcare: the organization of PHC, hospital organizations and various specialized medical institutions. At present, the healthcare system in the Republic of Kazakhstan needs trained personnel in the field of strategic management and management of the quality of medical services and risks in healthcare at different levels.

  • History of Kazakhstan
  • Philosophy
  • Social studies
  • Political studies
  • Cultural studies
  • Psychology
  • Kazakh language
  • Foreign language
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Physical Training
  • Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • Anatomy
  • Environment and health
  • Biochemical, molecular and biophysical foundations of life
  • Basics of pharmacology
  • Microbiology and immunology
  • Physiology
  • Public health
  • Fundamentals of epidemiology
  • Introduction to specialty
  • Sociology and psychology of health
  • General hygiene
  • Fundamentals of evidence-based medicine
  • Fundamentals of Disinfection
  • Biostatistics
  • Information technology in healthcare
  • Medical statistics
  • Fundamentals of research. Bioethics
  • Fundamentals of management in medical organizations
  • Fundamentals of Healthcare Marketing
  • Introduction to health legislation and economics
  • Introduction to hospital management
  • Healthy eating and food safety
  • Occupational hygiene
  • Environmental hygiene
  • Communal hygiene
  • Hygiene of children and adolescents
  • Occupational diseases
  • Production Practice Medical statistician's assistant
  • Production Practice in Hygiene
  • Nutriciology (food hygiene)
  • State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision
  • Epidemiology with the basics of disinfection
  • Organization of infection control in medical organizations
  • Epidemiology of infectious and parasitic diseases
  • Fundamentals of Health Economics
  • Health insurance
  • Public healthcare
  • Health promotion and disease prevention
  • Fundamentals of health management
  • Quality management of medical services
  • Health policy and legislation
  • Production practice in epidemiology
  • Production practice Public Health

  • Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Fundamentals of life safety basics
  • Valeology with the basics of first aid
  • Academic writing
  • Fundamentals of research activities
  • Organization of project activities
  • Fundamentals of preventive medicine
  • Healthcare Innovation and Human Resource Management
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship in healthcare
  • Risk management in healthcare
  • Data analysis in medicine
  • Epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases
  • Medical and social protection of the population
  • Anti-epidemic measures in emergency situations
  • Hygiene in healthcare organizations

Learning outcomes and competencies

Other educational programs