The Educational Program
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

2 years

Objectives of the educational program

Scientific and pedagogical trainingof professional personnel for theagricultural sector based on thedevelopment of fundamentalknowledge and practical skills inthe application of innovative,resource-saving technologies toimprove soil fertility in NorthernKazakhstan.

  • Saline soils of Kazakhstan and their reclamation
  • Monitoring the state of land
  • Protection of soils from erosion, degradation and pollution
  • System for optimizing the mineral nutrition of plants
  • Soil physics and chemistry
  • Environmental chemization of agriculture
  • Agrochemical methods ofinvestigation with applications ofIT technology
  • Genesis and evolution of soils
  • Genetic and agroecologicalassessment of soils
  • GIS technologies in soil scienceand ecology
  • Innovative technologies in soilscience and Agrochemistry
  • Instrumental methods of soil andplant research
  • World soil cover
  • Methods of statistical processing ofexperimental data using computertechnologies
  • The scientific basis of the appraisaland mapping
  • Soil and landscape mapping

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • LО1 Demonstrate the synthesis ofknowledge of the Humanities,psychological and pedagogical,language and agricultural Sciences ineducational and research activities inthe field of the agricultural sector..
  • Apply the methodology ofscientific research to solve specificmethodological problems in thefield of agriculture. Criticallyevaluate the methods of laying andconducting field, vegetation andlysimetric experiments, laboratorywork and methods of chemicalanalysis of soils and plants,statistical processing ofexperimental data using ITtechnologies.
  • Assess current problems inthe field of soil protection fromerosion, degradation, pollutionand salinization of soils and theirreclamation. Develop thescientific basis for theconservation and reproduction ofsoil fertility in Northern Kazakhstan, land valuation, andprinciples of soil, agrochemical,and agroecological surveys.
  • Develop and useinnovative models fordescribing and predictingvarious processes andphenomena in agrochemicalresearch methods.
  • Use in practice knowledgeof the physiological bases ofplant nutrition, patterns ofphysiological and biochemicalprocesses occurring in the soiland plants in connection withthe use of chemicals.
  • Offer resource-savingtechnologies for the cultivationof agricultural crops to increasesoil fertility in NorthernKazakhstan.
  • Apply a variety ofmethodological approaches tothe design of agrotechnologiesand modeling ofagroecosystems, optimization ofsoil conditions, systems ofapplication of fertilizers forvarious crops.

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