Livestock production technology
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

The main goal of the educational program is the formation of future bachelors of technology for the production of livestock products for the modern agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who have a high level of knowledge and are internationally competitive. Training of qualified specialists within the framework of a new economic model through continuous improvement of education, development of personal qualities in students, formation of general cultural and professional competencies, development of skills in cultural studies, psychology, English, new technologies in accordance with the requirements of modern production. Formation of theoretical and practical skills in future bachelors of technology for the production of livestock products for modern branches of the agro-industrial complex in accordance with integration

  • Animal biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Veterinary obstetrics and biotechnology of reproduction
  • Genetics
  • Goat breeding, technology for the production of milk, meat, wool and fluff
  • Horse breeding, horse meat and kumiss production technology
  • Feeding farm animals
  • Feed production with basics of agronomy and botany
  • Methodology for experimental work in animal husbandry
  • Mechanization of livestock production
  • Fundamentals of Veterinary Medicine
  • Poultry farming, poultry production technology
  • Breeding and selection of agricultural animals
  • Livestock production technology
  • Anatomy of farm animals
  • Agricultural technology labor safety
  • Bioclimatology
  • Camel breeding, technology for the production of shubat, meat and wool
  • Virology
  • Introduction of new technologies in sheep farming
  • Introduction of new technologies in cattle breeding
  • Additional livestock sectors
  • Vertebrate zoology
  • Qualitative assessment of livestock products
  • Microbiology of farm animals
  • Dairy
  • Sheep farming, lamb wool production technology
  • Fundamentals of veterinary and sanitary examination
  • Primary processing of animal raw materials
  • Entrepreneurship in the agro-industrial complex
  • Beekeeping, technology for obtaining bee products
  • Pig farming; pork production technology
  • Cattle breeding, milk and beef production technology
  • Standardization and certification of livestock products
  • Technology entrepreneurship and startups
  • Technology of processing meat and meat products
  • Meat processing technology according to the HALAL standard
  • Commodity expert and expert animal raw materials
  • Physiology of farm animals
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Embriology

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • have basic knowledge in natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and economics that contribute to the formation of a highly educated personality with a broad outlook and culture of thinking;
  • the ability to work in a team, correctly defend one’s point of view, and propose new solutions;
  • navigate modern information flows and adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes in the global economy;
  • take part in the process of selecting the latest technologies for processing livestock products;
  • use innovative technologies in the livestock industry, selection and breeding work, herd reproduction, feeding conditions and keeping farm animals;
  • ability to ensure the implementation of developed projects and livestock farming technology;
  • apply knowledge of basic veterinary, sanitary and preventive measures, zoohygienic standards to livestock premises;
  • use feed rationally, draw up feeding standards and rations, know the chemical composition and nutritional properties of the main types of feed;
  • ability to work with basic regulatory and reference documents, maintain documentation of primary zootechnical records and selection and breeding work;
  • be competent in the technology of production of livestock products, be able to introduce modern technologies and research methods into their professional activities