«Учет и аудит» (Бухгалтерский учет и экономический анализ)
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

Подготовка высококвалифицированных кадров в сфере бухгалтерского учета и аудита, освоивших фундаментальные знания в профессиональной области, востребованных и конкурентоспособных на рынке труда РК, готовых к непрерывному профессиональному самосовершенствованию и саморазвитию в течение всей жизни в условиях меняющейся внешней среды.

HIST61101 Modern history of Kazakhstan

HUM61001 Philosophy

HUM61002 Sociology

HUM61003 Political Science

PSYC61001 Psychology

HUM61004 Cultural Studies

SPRT61001 Physical Education

LANG61101/ LANG61231 Kazakh/Russian

LANG61481 Foreign language

ECON62001 Economic Theory

ECON62002 Statistics

MAN62001 Management

FIN62001 Finance

MATH62001 Mathematics in Economics

ECON62004 Microeconomics

ECON62006 Macroeconomics

ECON62008 Accounting Basics

ECON62009 Entrepreneurship

LANG62114 Office work and Latin graphics

ECON63003 Financial Accounting 1

UP62 Educational practice

PRP62 Production practice

ECON62044 Enterprise Economics

ECON63001 Management Accounting 1

ECON63004 Financial Accounting 2

ECON63005 Tax accounting and reporting

ECON63010 Computerization of accounting

PRP63 Production practice

OK Final certification

HUM 6101 Shock Science

HUM 6101 Religious Studies

JUR61001 Fundamentals of Law

HUM 6101 Fundamentals of TolerancePolicy

HUM 6101 Mangilik El values and modernization of consciousness

ECOL61001 Ecology and sustainable development

BIOL61001 Fundamentals of life safety

HUM 6101 Gender Policy

JUR61002 Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture

HUM 6101 Youth Policy

IT63114 Fundamentals of Robotics

TOUR63002 Guided tours

PED62267 Self-knowledge

LANG61241 Academic Letter

FIN62004 Financial Markets and Intermediaries

FIN62002 Taxes and taxation

ECON62023 Prices and Pricing

ECON62014 Risk Management

ECON62016 Planning and forecasting of the company's activities

ECON62051 Technological entrepreneurship and startups

IT62200 Econometrics

IT62288 Economic and mathematical modeling

ECON62018 Economic Research and Analysis

ECON63046 Analysis of economic activity

ECON62007 Marketing

ECON62037 Marketing Research

ECON63024 Organization of public procurement

ECON62019 Labor Economics

ECON63039 Audit20

ECON63040 Organization and methodology of complex inspections

ECON63026 Accounting in public institutions

ECON62052 Accounting and reporting in budget organizations

ECON62000 Cost accounting, calculation and budgeting in certain industries of theproduction sector

ECON62049 Organization of the management accounting and controlling system atthe enterprise

ECON63037 Financial accounting in accordance with IFRS

ECON63028 Practical accounting

ECON63006 Features of accounting in the production sector

ECON63007 Features of accounting in the service sector

ECON63018 International Auditing Standards

ECON63027 Practical audit

KV Practice preddi

Learning outcomes and competencies

Other educational programs