Computer technology and software (security of computer systems and networks)
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

Training of highly qualified, competitive in the labor market IT specialists in the field of programming andadministration technologies, management and protection of computer systems and networks atenterprises.

  • Academic writing
  • Software tools and methods of information protection
  • Mathematical foundations of information technology
  • Information and communication technologies (in English.language)
  • Algorithms, data structures and programming
  • Sociology
  • Software development tools
  • Web programming
  • Physical Culture
  • Database management systemspre
  • -graduate practice
  • System programming
  • Information security and information protection
  • Architecture and organization of computer systems
  • Computer networks
  • Cryptography
  • Kazakh/Russian language
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Math 1
  • Math 2
  • Cultural studies
  • Object-oriented programming I
  • Educational practice
  • Operating systems
  • Production practice
  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Philosophy
  • Foreign language
  • Economics of the IT industry
  • IT infrastructure
  • Web technologies and their practical application
  • Information theory
  • Cryptographic methods of information protection
  • Technical means and methods of information protection
  • Reliability of information systems
  • Information security standards
  • Methods of information security assessment
  • Organizational and legal methods of information protection
  • Basics of cloud technologies
  • Database Security
  • Data Mining
  • Network security
  • Project management
  • Engineering and information innovations
  • Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
  • Basics of computer 3D modeling
  • Computer information protection technologies
  • Computer graphics
  • Optimization of computer systems
  • Interfaces of computer systems
  • Leadership and youth policy
  • Fundamentals of Cryptanalysis
  • Development of secure software
  • Machine-oriented programming
  • Design of microprocessor systems and networks
  • Programming of mobile devices
  • Operating system security
  • Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture
  • Fundamentals of parallel programming
  • Fundamentals of life safety
  • Authentication, certification and PKI
  • Digital circuitry
  • Professional foreign language
  • Shock Science
  • Ecology and sustainable development
  • Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Expertise of engineering solutions by industry
  • Expert systems
  • Electronics

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Analyze the actions of software (software) development processes, justify the choice of standards,methods, tools and programming languages for software development, development of softwaredesign and operational documentation.
  • Make the optimal choice of data structures, develop algorithms, and implement them in programminglanguages (YAP), debug and analyze the source code of the software and prepare reportingdocumentation.
  • Apply the principles of database schema design, query optimization, ORM systems, data migrationand transformation procedures, evaluate software performance, design standard databases, developfunctionality for working with databases, select and use suitable ORM systems, ensure databasesecurity; demonstrate an understanding of virtualization technologies and joint management be ableto deploy an application using cloud infrastructure for computing and/or data resources, write acorrect scalable parallel algorithm using task-based decomposition or data parallelism decomposition,be able to evaluate various methodologies for the effective application of data mining.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the architecture and principles of functioning of hardware, software andhardware of computer systems and networks; be able to work with instrumentation, configureoperating systems; demonstrate knowledge of the organizational and legal foundations of informationsecurity, the main types of information security policy, methods of identifying risks to informationassets, be able to build an information security risk matrix, monitor information security, eliminate theconsequences of failures and failures of network devices and operating systems.
  • Develop and use hardware and software error correction tools for data transmission and processing intelecommunication systems, use cryptographic primitives and assess security threats associated withattacks on cryptographic primitives; know the requirements for integrating security into the softwaredevelopment lifecycle and best practices for minimizing vulnerabilities in software code; have theability to conduct static and dynamic verification and evaluation of the security of the softwareapplication.
  • Diagnose operability, eliminate malfunctions and failures of computer hardware; carry outobservations, measurements, document and correctly formalize the results; interpret and processmeasurement data taking into account their significance and compliance with theory.
  • To be guided in the conceptual apparatus of specialized disciplines, to use the acquired knowledgeand methods of technical sciences in professional activity; readiness for professional activity in thespecialty in accordance with scientific and professional interests; to possess basic theoretical andpractical knowledge about their specialty; to design and develop software of various levels; the abilityto organize their own activities, determine methods and methods perform professional tasks, evaluatetheir effectiveness.
  • Apply the appropriate mathematical apparatus (methods and algorithms for solving professionalproblems) of mathematical analysis, discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematicalstatistics, information theory, number theory; demonstrate knowledge of physical phenomena andprocesses of modern computing systems and networks, modeling of physical processes; conductexperimental research, process experimental results.
  • Know computer architectures, the principles of organization of multiprocessor and multi-machinecomputing systems, the basic concepts of system programming, justify the architecture of moderncomputers, systems and networks, develop programs using API functions, use the mechanisms builtinto the OS to ensure the system security of the organization, have system administration skills; usethe capabilities of modern environments and programming languages for practical implementationalgorithms and debugging of the software source code.
  • Analyze information in global computer networks and corporate information systems; possessmodern information and communication technologies as a means of obtaining, selecting, processinginformation; be able to design and present analytical documentation in the state, Russian and Englishlanguages; follow socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle
  • Be able to subject analytical and axiological analysis in the study of historical events and processes;philosophical discussion and argumentatively defend their own positions on current issues of ourtime; understand the essence of the state and law, formulate socially significant goals of their futureprofessional activities; be psychologically prepared for the types and nature of their professionalactivities in the conditions of increasing dynamism of change and challenges the current situation.
  • Apply methodologies of joint analysis, design and decision-making to create and develop your ownbusiness; make decisions in difficult work situations, organize teamwork to solve problems; developmanagement decisions and carry out organizational work to implement them in practice; orientation inthe speech situation of professional business communication: determine the communicative strategyand tactics of speech behavior in the proposed situation of business communication; motivation forcreativity and successful implementation of new ideas in the professional sphere; be capable of self-education and improvement of the general intellectual and general cultural level; be intolerant ofcorrupt behavior, respect the law and the law.