Credit mobility
The well-known Erasmus+ program is now available to universities, students and teachers from non-European countries. Erasmus+ finances credit mobility, i.e. student mobility (bilateral) for a period of 3 to 12 months. A mandatory rule is that credit units received at the host university must be recognized and counted in the native university. European citizens will have the opportunity to choose to study or teach at universities in any country of the world, and non-European students and teachers will be able to receive education, teach and train in Europe, i.e. the opportunity to study, teach and improve skills in Europe and beyond for representatives of all sectors of education and training. Representatives of the teaching staff are seen as agents of change at their home university.Scholarships are awarded on the basis of an interuniversity agreement between universities of the Program1 Countries and Partner Countries. This Action is decentralized: it is managed by a network of National Agencies in the Program Countries. The action is open to universities from all over the world. However, only universities of the Program Countries can submit an application on behalf of the consortium to the National Agency of their country.
The Program countries include the 28 EU member States,
Аs well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, i.e., all countries that contribute to the financing of the program and have a National Agency to manage the program. Partner countries include all other countries of the world.
Degree mobility
High–quality Master's degree programs are offered by a consortium of European and – selectively - non-European universities. This is a continuation of the Erasmus Mundus I program, which has proven its success and contributed to increasing the recognition of universities participating in it all over the world. Students and teachers from any country in the world can receive a scholarship for master's degree programs. Students get the opportunity to study in at least two EU countries. The management of this Action is provided by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Media and Culture (hereinafter EACEA) in Brussels.Previously, within the framework of Action 1 EM, it was possible to receive a grant for studying under the doctoral program (Joint Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Degrees). In the new program, the doctoral program is combined with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie program (Horizon 2020). This Action is available for universities in any country of the world, but only educational institutions of the Program Countries can apply to the EACEA on behalf of the consortium.
Visa. Insurance. Placement
The International Project Management Center will assist in obtaining a visa, insurance and accommodation.