"Paving the way for inter-regional mobility and ensuring compliance, quality and equity of access".
Registration number: 574099-EPP-1-2016-1-ITEPPKA2-CBHE-SP PAWER
Duration (in months) - 36
Project goals and objectives
- strengthening interregional integration and cooperation through the development of reliable joint tools to strengthen the international dimension of higher education systems and their compatibility between 4 regions and the EHEA (European Higher Education Area);
- supporting the modernization, accessibility and internationalization of 23 universities from 8 Partner Countries belonging to 4 different regions.
This goal will be achieved through the following specific tasks:
- 1) to Share knowledge about the credit system used in each partner country, on the M3, to perform the actual meaning of "credit" in each of the partner University, as well as to develop a "General concept" to determine the "learning outcomes" and "teaching load" (Learning Outcome and Workload), on M6.6.
- 2) share information about how ECTS are applied and used in the partner countries, M8,
- 3) to increase the human capacity planning, delivery and assessment of the degree courses, with specific 1 week 111 training of personnel in the EU, M10,
- 4) implement specific pilot examples in some courses developed under the previous joint projects, M18,
- 5) to perform the Evaluation system in each country and in each partner University, as well as to provide specific comparison in selected courses M20
- 6 ) to collect data on the recognition of credits and articulation Assessments in the framework of the project EMA2 in 4 regions, M15,
- 7) to provide a table with percentage data on the results of study of the students in the last 3 years, at least 5 areas of learning among the pilot courses, M24,
- 8) create a quality plan for the evaluation of activities and results of the project, M5, and conduct periodic assessment
- 9) to install, follow-up in cooperation with universities in the EU by signing of bilateral agreements under the program "Credit mobility" and interdepartmental cooperation, M34,
- 10) install and apply the appropriate strategy for the distribution and result tools, actions, and documents to other regional universities, local authorities and the Ministry of education, throughout the project, prepare a plan for the M8.
This project was co-financed by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union. This website reflects the opinion of the author only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein