Karnaukhova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Karnaukhova Tatyana Vladimirovna


E-mail: Education

Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov ,

1995 - 2000, biology teacher;Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov , 2018-2020, Bachelor of Education 5В012900-Geography-History

Main courses taught

Geoecology; Teaching about the environment; Environmental monitoring; Biotesting and bioindication ; Hydrology; Scientific research methods in ecology ; Legal basis for nature management and environmental protection; Environmental design and EIA; Normative rules in subsoil use ; Fundamentals of rational nature management; Protection and restoration of disturbed ecosystems; Environmental toxicology; Agroecology, etc.

Academic degree

Master in Ecology

Scientific direction

Rational nature management and modern methods of environmental monitoring, eco-education

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

General -pedagogical experience - 28 years . Scientific and pedagogical experience - 19 years. Has more than 120 publications in collections of scientific papers of international, foreign scientific and practical conferences, including in foreign journals. Over the past 5 years, more than 5 educational and teaching aids have been published. Developer of the educational program, adviser , head of international and republican student Olympiads

Number of works

Over 120

Main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2017-2022

In domestic periodicals and KKSON

Murzagulova ZA, Karnaukhova TV, Fakhrudenova IB, Tazitdinova RM Use of the Earth Remote Sensing Data to assess the state of recreational forests in the Kokshetau National Park. Herald Karaganda university . No. 1(105)/2022. pp.167-172.

Ruzanova L.S., Karnaukhova T.V., Fakhrudenova I.B., Titova M.A. The use of digital technologies in the organization of higher and additional education classes. Bulletin of Karaganda University. No. 1(105)/2022. pp.77-85 .

Bayazitova Z.E., Karnaukhova T.V., Tleuova Zh.O., Mukhamadeeva R.M., A.S. Kurmanbaeva . Assessment of the impact of solid waste landfills on the state of the environment Bulletin of KazNITU named after. K.I. Satpaeva , Almaty, 2020.- No. 1.- (137), S. 103-109.

Kurmanbaeva A.S., Fakhrudenova I.B., Bayazitova Z.E., Kakabaev A.A., Karnaukhova T.V. Studying the dynamics of the water pollution index of Lake Ulken Shabakty . Hydrometeorology and ecology. -Almaty , 2019.- No. 3.-S. 130-138 and others ...


ORCID: 0000-0003-2597-682X