Gorbunova Yulia Vitalievna

Gorbunova Yulia Vitalievna

Assistant lecturer

E-mail: Education

2015-2019 KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Bachelor's degree, "Information Systems"2019-2021 KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Master's degree, "Corporate ifnormation Systems"

Main courses taught

Information Communication Technology, Основы криптоанализа, Технические средства и метотды защиты информации, Оптимизация корпоративных информационных систем, JavaScript

Academic degree

Master of Technical Sciences

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

Russian Facebook and Instagram pages of the department are the activities of the curator-adviser of the Russian department

Main scientific publications

  1. "Automated information systems: functions, tasks and application", Scientific collection of the international scientific and practical conference "SHOKAN OKULARY - 24" dedicated to the 185th anniversary of Shokan Ualikhanov, volume 4, page135, 2020 https://shokan.edu.kz/media/filer_public/da/bf/dabf12cc-b8c7-4eb3-9285-772e1c661443/tom_4_shok.pdf
  2. "The relevance of automated information systems", Materials of the International Scientific and Practical online Conference "MODERN ENGINEERING INNOVATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and World Engineering Day, volume 1, page42, 2021. https://shokan.edu.kz/media/filer_public/89/d4/89d4d0c6-8ea2-41d8-b8dc-dda0d770f4fe/sovrem_ing_innov_techn.pdf
  3. "The relevance of automated information systems", Proceedings of the XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Academic Science - Problems and achievements", North Charleston, USA, p. 91, 2021 (printed version)
  4. "THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS", Scientific Journal "Science, Education and Culture" No. 1 (61), 2022, https://academicjournal.ru/home/arkhiv-zhurnala-academy.html
  5. "THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: BENEFITS FOR TEACHERS", Materials of the International scientific and Practical online conference "MODERN ENGINEERING INNOVATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and World Engineering Day, p.187, https://shokan.edu.kz/media/filer_public/62/59/625906e4-a8eb-4602-acc6-023e0b1da7c9/sbornik_nauka_i_biznes_innovatsii_v_proizvodstvo.pdf