Makatova Asiya Yenshlesovna

Makatova Asiya Yenshlesovna


E-mail: Education

2002-2006 KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov " Information systems (in economics)";

2015-2017. A. Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, "Information Systems"

Main courses taught

WEB technologies, Database management systems, Object-oriented programming IIExpert systems, Corporate information systems of enterprise management, Web programmingJava-technologies of distributed systems, Design of corporate information systems

Academic degree Master of Technical Sciences

Academic degree Master of Technical Sciences


For a great contribution to the development of the higher education system, achievements in education and upbringing of the younger generation, 2021. For services to the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan, 2021.

Main scientific publications

Применением методов машинного обучения к задаче автоматической классификации текстов Издательство «СибАК», 2020г. Новосибирск, РФ; «Using the lsa method to evaluate texts» Proceedings of the Conference (December, 2020). Primedia E-launch LLC, Shawnee, USA. XIII-XV International Multidisciplinary Conference “Recent Scientific Investigation” 2020г.;«Латентно-семантический метод, общая характеристика» Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «Шоқан оқулары-25», Кокшетау, 2021;«Бағдарламалау тілдерінің синтаксистік қасиеттері» Международная научно-практическая онлайн-конференция «Современные инженерные инновации и технологии» посвященной 30 – летию Независимости Республики Казахстан и Всемирному дню инженерии, Кокшетау, 2021