Konkayeva Lailim

Konkayeva Lailim


E-mail: Education


2002-2007 KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov - "Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools";

Master's degree:

2018-2020 KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov - "Life safety and environmental protection"

Main courses taught

Heatengineering, Laborprotection

Academic degree


Main scientific publications

  • Yeszhanov, G., Mizanbekov, I., Essyrkep, G., Uzbergenova, S., Konkayeva, L., & Shunekeyeva, A. (2023). Using GIS technologies to determine the weediness of agricultural crops in the example of the Akmola region. E3S Web of Conferences, 386, 01003. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202338601003
  • Нурмаганбетов Н.О., д.т.н., профессор; Конкаева Л.А. лектор; Зупаров А., «Газдандырылатын модельдер бойынша құю өндірісі», International scientific and practical conference "Science and Business: Innovations in Production" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the scientist, academician K.I. Satpaev., 2024