Astafieva Yulia Valeryevna

Astafieva Yulia Valeryevna


E-mail: Education

2009 – Sh. Ualikhanov KSU, Bachelor of Foreign Languages;

2012 - KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Main courses taught

Language for Special purposes (C1), Language for special purposes (C2), Technical translation, Specialized Professional, Professionally Oriented

Scientific direction

Methods of teaching foreign languages, linguistics

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

The sphere of scientific search and research lies in the methodology of teaching English, lexicography, linguistics.

The total work experience is 13 years, in the field of higher education – 10 years.

Main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2017-2022

1) "Ways of conveying realities in George R.R. Martin's novel "Game of Thrones" in collaboration with Mikhailova T.V. // Bulletin of Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Philological Series No. 1, Kokshetau, 2017, pp.74-81

2) "Development of Classical Crossover and major themes in classical crossover music texts" " in collaboration with Mikhailova T.V. // Kazan, Journal "Philology and Linguistics" (No.2 (6), June 2017)., pp.31-34 /

3) Problems of using CLIL technology in conditions of bilingual and multilingual learning in collaboration with Usmanova Z.F., Tolybaeva K.K. // Ukraine, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda, XXXXVII International Scientific Conference "Actual scientific research in the modern world" (in absentia), May 26-27, 2018, pp.121-124

4) The idioethnic nature of the concept of "Hospitality" in Kazakh, English and French in collaboration with Tolybayeva K.K. // International scientific journal "Young Scientist". No. 24 (262), Kazan. June 2019, pp.445-447

5) Развитие учебных умений у студентов языковых специальностей // Венгрия, журнал, журнал Научное наследие № 79 (79), 6.12.2021

6) Folk tales and their role in teaching a foreign language and translation in collaboration with Borgul N.M. // Moscow, I International Scientific and Practical Conference


"Languages and cultures in the global educational

space", October 7-8, 2021, pp.11-16

7) Instagram as a teaching tool in the efl classroom co-authored with T.V. Zayats // collection of the LXI International Scientific Conference "Actual scientific research in the modern world" State Educational Institution "Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after

Григория Сковороды», june, 2020 г., p.p.52-55

8) Independent work of students of language universities: expectation and reality // Bulletin of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, philological series, pp.128-138, No. 3, 2021


9) Handling stylistic problems of translating folklore tests in collaboration with Borgul N.M., Ashimova A.K. // Bulletin of KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, philological series, pp.11-18, No. 2, 2021.

10) Introduction of critical thinking strategies in the process of learning a foreign language at a university in collaboration with Zayats T.V., Tolybaeva K.K. Bulletin of Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Philological Series No. 2, Kokshetau, 2019, pp. 286-291