Kairnasova Zhanargul Zeynullinovna

Kairnasova Zhanargul Zeynullinovna

Senior Lecturer

E-mail: Education

Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov. 2000. Qualification: Chemist-biologist.

Main courses taught

Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Physic Colloidal Chemistry, Chemical Synthesis, Introduction to Organic Chemistry.

Scientific direction:

"Development of scientific foundations for the directed synthesis of new multifunctional compounds and the study of their physico-chemical properties"

Abstract scientific and public activities:

The internship of scientific and pedagogical work in the higher educational institution is 16 years. The dissertation research on the preparation of the master's thesis on the specialty 6M060600 – chemistry was discussed on the topic: "comparative characteristics of extractive and sorbic acid in stock water from phenols".

For 5 years of following educational and methodological developments: "Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry", 2020; "Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry", 2020; "Chemistry", 2022; "Chemistry of Elements", 2022; "Chemistry and Physiology of Water", 2019; "Collection of Problems and exercises on Organic Chemistry", 2023; "Introduction to Organic Chemistry", 2022; "Fundamentals of Chemical analysis", 2024.

Author's activities for: educational post "Organic Chemistry", 2022; educational post "Analytical chemistry", 2019; textbook "Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical chemistry", 2021; educational post "Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry", 2021.

Certificate: "Digital services in the educational process", 2020; "Improvement of the qualification of teachers of chemistry in the conditions of expanded education", 2024; "Fundamental and applied aspects of modern chemistry and biotechnology", 2024; "Implementation of the model of pedagogical education and strengthening its content", 2024.

Number of works

about 60

Main scientific publications over the last 5 years: 2019-2024:

  1. Очистка промышленных фенолсодержащих сточных вод твердыми экстрагентами в зависимости от кислотности среды. Вестник ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева, Астана, 2019.
  2. Инновациялық технологиялардың жетістіктерін пайдалана отырып «Физикалық химия негіздері» курсын меңгерудің белсенділігін арттыру тиімділігі. Материалы конференции X International Scientific and practical Conference “Science Foundations of modern science and practice”. Greece, 2021.
  3. Спектрофотометрический анализ витаминов в образцах мясных консервов. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Козыбаевские чтения-2021»: новые подходы и современные взгляды на развитие образования и науки». Петропавл, 2021.
  4. «Применение проблемного метода обучения при преподавании биотехнологических дисциплин». Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Стратегия развития современного образования и науки», Москва, 2021.
  5. Modern electronic educational resources in educational practice. Сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции «Фундаментальные иприкладные аспекты геологии, экологии и химии с использованием современных образовательных технологий», Алматы, 2022.
  6. «Винные напитки обогащенные биологические активными веществами ягодных виноматериалов», 22 международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные проблемы техники и технологии пищевых производств», барнаул, 2022.
  7. «Magnetochemical measurements coordination compounds of iron (II) with cyano-containing ligands». Всетник КГУ имени Ш. Уалиханова, 2022.