Sergazina Samal Mubarakovna

Sergazina Samal Mubarakovna

PhD, Associate Professor

E-mail: Education

Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute named after Sh.Valikhanov

Main courses taught

Biochemistry, Modern Problems of Physical Chemistry, Fundamentals of Chemical Analysis, Selected Chapters of Inorganic Chemistry.

Academic degree

Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Scientific direction

Natural sciences (chemistry, biology), Ecology.

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

She has been working within the walls of this educational institution since 1997. She began her career as a laboratory assistant in the Department of Chemistry, then worked as a teacher, methodologist of the educational department, head of the master's department, head of the institute for advanced training, head of the department for planning the educational and methodological process, for more than 10 years she worked as the head of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, was the head of the Office-registrar and the head of the Department of Postgraduate Education.

Participated in inspections of higher educational institutions by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a member of the working group for the development of regulatory legal acts. She is a member of the RMS of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

She defended her PhD thesis in the specialty - 02.00.04 "physical chemistry" in the dissertation council of the E. Buketov KarSU, on the topic: "X-ray, thermodynamic and electrophysical properties of double ferrites LnMeIFe2O5, LnMeIIFe2O5,5 (Ln-Gd, Er; MeI alkaline, MeII- alkaline earth metals)". Published over 130 scientific papers, 1 monograph, 9 textbooks, including 2 with the RUMS stamp, 4 author's certificates. Is the executor of international educational projects of the European Union: TEMPUS and ERASMUS: "574099-EPP-1-2016-1-ITEPPKA2-CBHE-SP PAWER "Paving the way to interregional mobility and ensuring conformity, quality and equality of access". Participated in the implementation of PFI F0354 "Development of scientific foundations and technologies for the study of new promising materials for various functional purposes"; "Development of technology for cleaning recycled water from pollutants".

Main scientific publications over the past 5 years 2019-2024.

  1. Vaccinium oxycoccus өсімдігінің биологиялық және химиялық белсенділігін зерттеу. Вестник гос.университета им. Ш.Шакарима № 3(87) 2019г. С. 272-275.
  2. Влияние красного света на образование железоорганических комплексов в природной воде. Вестник ЕНУ им.Л.Гумилева №3 (128). 2019г. С.94-100.
  3. Изменение содержания дейтерия в слюне при потреблении обедненной дейтерием воды. Валеология. 33.2020г. АО «Мед.университет» г.Астана. С.83-87.
  4. Развитие в Казахстане учения о физиологической полноценности питьевой воды. Валеология. 33.2020г. АО «Мед.университет» г.Астана. С.35-39.
  5. Электрофизические свойства ферритов GdMeIIFe2O5,5 (MeII – щелочноземельные металлы). Вестник КГУ им.Ш.Уалиханова №1.2020 С.75-84.
  6. Разработка игровых технологий по курсу «биоорганическая химия». East European Scientific journal (Польша). 10 (62). 2020. С.31-34.
  7. Игровые технологии в процессе обучения химии. Евразийский союз ученых. №10 (79)/2020. Т.3. С.56-59.
  8. Химический состав волос детей, проживающих в различных природноклиматических условиях Казахстана. Валеология. АО «Мед.университет» г.Астана. №4.2020г. С.352-359.
  9. Вермитехнология как основа экологического земледелия. Международный вестник ветеринарии. г.Санкт-Петербург.№4. 2020. С. 106-110.
  10. Щучье–Бурабай курорттық аймағының жер асты және жер үсті суларының химиялық құрамың зерттеу. Вестник КГУ им. Ш.Уалиханова №3. 2020. С.76-86.
  11. Сравнительный анализ питьевой воды г. Кокшетау Акмолинской области. Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. № 12 (114) 2021. С.183-186.
  12. Исследование физико-химических свойств тетраеновых макролидов и их использование в промышленности. Научный журнал «Студенческий», Новосибирск.2021.№ 40(168). С.34-38. г.
  13. Pore Size in the Removal of Phosphorus and Nitrogen from Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater Using Polymeric Nanofiltration Membranes. Water 2022, 14, 2929. (ISSN 20734441; DOI 10.3390/w14182929).
  14. Автохтонды микробиотаның ауыз суларда тигізетін әсері. Вестник КУ им. Ш.Уалиханова. №2.2023г. С.28.
  15. Nanoparticles Based on Silver Chloride and Bambusuril [6 for the Fine-Tuning of Biological Activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023-11 |Journal article|Author DOI:10.3390/ijms242216126.
  16. Formation of organometallic iron complexes in red-light-activated drinking water. Вестник КУ им. Ш.Уалиханова. № 3.2023г. С.17.
  17. Изучение биологической активности нуклеопротеидов и получение их из дрожжей рода Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Вестник КУ им. Ш.Уалиханова. №4.2023г.
  18. Изучение кинетики реакции восстановления гексацианоферрата калия (II) и гексацианоферрата калия (III) аскорбиновой кислотой. Электронный периодический научный Журнал «». январь 2024.
  19. Жалпы білім беретін мектептерде химия сабақтарында «cаse-study» әдісін қолдану аясында кәсіби құзыреттілігін арттыру. Вестник Кустанайского университета им. А. Байтурсынова. №1(73). 2024. С.66-74. SSN2310-3353.

20. The Synthesis of a New Glycoluryl–Melamine–Formaldehyde Polymer under the Action of HEDP and the Investigation of the Content of Methylol Groups and Free Formaldehyde. Polymers 2024,16(20), 2877;