Higher School of Medicine

Welcome to the page of the Higher School of Medicine of
NJSC Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau University!
On the website you can find out about educational programs, the history of the creation of the faculty, and human resources potential.
Vocation, education, psychological compatibility, culture and upbringing, appearance, selflessness, conformity of words and actions, observance of professional secrecy, humanism, citizenship and patriotism are important in becoming a doctor.
I believe that over the years of studying at our faculty, you will understand the meaning of the above factors. A doctor should become aware that his position in society is special, that he should be the first among non-medical specialists, because the lot of his profession is not caring about the creation of human hands, but about the Person himself.
Director of the Higher School of Medicine
MD, Professor Muratbekova Svetlana Kabdenovna
The mission of the GSOM is to train qualified competitive medical specialists who possess modern innovative, practice–oriented technologies, and are focused on the implementation of the state program for the development of healthcare and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the HSE is to train competent and educated medical specialists with fundamental knowledge and skills to provide medical care to patients, based on the possession and application of knowledge and skills in the field of medicine aimed at diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases, as well as improving public health.
The teaching staff was formed, departments were created, the first recruitment was carried out in the specialty 5B130100 "General Medicine" with teaching in Kazakh, Russian, English. In 2021, it was transformed into the "Higher School of Medicine". From the moment of its foundation to the present, the head of the school is Doctor of Medical Sciences Muratbekova Svetlana Kabdenovna.
There are three departments: "Morphology, Physiology and General Pathology", "Clinical Disciplines", "Surgical disciplines". At the moment, a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical team has been formed, including professors and doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences and undergraduates. Undergraduate and graduate students are trained by 25 full-time teachers. Of these, there are 4 doctors of sciences, 5 candidates of Sciences, 3 PhD doctors, 4 masters and 3 residents.
The teaching staff of the school is staffed, the total number of students is 48% of the number of full-time employees.
To date, training is carried out according to the educational programs of bachelor's and master's degrees:
Information about the activity
This event opens up new opportunities for the training of qualified specialists in the field of cardiology in Kazakhstan, which is an important step in improving the country's healthcare system.
At the moment, a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical team has been formed, including professors and doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences and undergraduates. Bachelors and undergraduates are trained by 25 full-time teachers. Among them: 4 doctors of medical Sciences, 5 candidates of Sciences, 3 PhD doctors, 4 masters and 3 residents. The teaching staff of the school is staffed, the total number of students is 48% of the number of full-time employees.
New classrooms equipped with modern high-tech equipment have been created:
For the organization and conduct of educational and industrial (clinical) practices, contracts have been concluded with accredited leading healthcare organizations of the Akmola region:
20. Avicenna Burabai LLP
21. CRH of Osakarovsky district of Karaganda region
22. Viamedis LLP, Stepnogorsk
23. West Kazakhstan Medical University (WKMU)
24. Semey Medical University (MUS)
25. National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center (NSCC)
26. Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of Akmola region (SES)
International cooperation
Memoranda of international cooperation have been concluded with:
As of 10/18/2024, there are 767 students, including 176 people and 9 students studying under grants from the Akim of the region, 35 students under grants from the Ministry of Health, 52 nominal scholarships, 170 own funds, and the rest of the students study on a fee basis.
Internship students:
There are 214 students enrolled in the 6th-7th year of internship, including 23 students with grants from the Ministry of Health. Bachelor's and internship educational programs have been developed..
Master students:
1st year-2 students
Information about international students
Since 2018, Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov is recruiting foreign students from India to train medical personnel with an academic bachelor's degree in General Medicine, since 2019 Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University is recruiting foreign students from India and Pakistan to train medical personnel with an academic bachelor's degree in General Medicine in the field of General Practitioner. Since 2023, recruitment has been conducted under the program of continuous integrated medical education 6B10104 "Medicine".
Currently, 330 students are studying in English, of which 5 students study under the Bolashak program. From India -284, Pakistan -41, Afghanistan-4, Bangladesh -1.