Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

  • The formation of future bachelors systematic knowledge in the field of biologyand related natural sciences, the development of general cultural and professional competencies, practical skills andleadership qualities necessary for professional activities in research, environmental, sanitary- epidemiological and otherinstitutions and organizations of biological profile.

The relevance

The educational program "Biology" offers an integrative approach to theformation of key professional and social competencies necessary for the graduate to perform research, design and survey,selection, information and communication, organizational and managerial, critical and expert activities with the use ofmodern and innovative research methods and for successful adaptation of the graduate in the labor market.

  • Cell Biology
  • Histology
  • Biology ofIndividual Development
  • Higher Mathematics
  • Academic writing
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • General chemistry
  • Human anatomy
  • Educational practice 1
  • Educational practice 2
  • Production practice 1
  • Human and animal physiology
  • Plant physiology
  • Evolutionary teaching
  • Genetics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Fundamentals of biotechnology
  • Production practice 2
  • Pre-graduate practice
  • Microbiology
  • Embryology
  • Professional Kazakh language
  • Professional Russian language
  • Professional foreign language
  • Biometrics
  • Radiation biology
  • Immunology
  • Chronobiology
  • Geobotany
  • A large workshop on botany
  • Floriculture and the basics of landscape design
  • Floristry
  • Dendrology
  • Physiology of plant resistance
  • Medicinal plants
  • Algology and Mycology
  • Entomology
  • Parasitology
  • Physiology and evolution of higher nervous activity
  • Ornithology
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Physic Colloidal chemistry
  • Plant biochemistry
  • Animal Biochemistry
  • Human Genetics
  • Genetic engineering
  • Flora of Kazakhstan and its protection
  • Wildlife of Kazakhstan and its protection
  • Virology
  • Biology of pathogenic microorganisms

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • To demonstrate basic knowledge of scientific and theoretical foundations, laws and rules of natural science, social,humanitarian and economic disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated, professionally ethical, socially
  • Responsible and critically thinking person with a broad outlook, entrepreneurial culture of thinking and leadershipqualities;
  • to use language and communication skills (in the State, Russian and English languages) for free communication intheprofessional field;
  • To apply applied software, modern methods of information processing and new digital technologies based on theacquired their skills;
  • To compose and practically solve problems in the field of biology, both independently and in a team based on thegained theoretical knowledge;
  • To identify, analyze and evaluate biological and environmental problems of domestic and industrial nature, to proposethe optimal ways of protecting people and options for improving theenvironment;
  • To apply innovative methods of biology in practice and to organize effectively the professional work with them, tomaster methods of safe handling of biological materials taking into account their properties and to carry out an assessment ofpossible risks;
  • To develop and implement in their professional activities the results of scientific research in the field of biology To demonstrate the skills of acquiring new knowledge necessary for professional selfdevelopment in order to continueeducation in the magistracy.