Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

Training of ecologists with in-depth theoretical knowledge in the field of environmental protection, possessing the skills of conducting environmental expertise, auditing and monitoring the state of the environment, capable of design and research activities, possessing leadership qualities.


Relevance -of the educational program

The recently increasing anthropogenic pressure on the environmenthas led to quite serious problems such as desertification of territories, loss of biological diversity, pollution of atmospheric air, reservoirs, soil cover, etc. The need to find solutions to these problems has led to an increasing demand for professional environmentalists who play a key role in protecting the environment of the region and preserving it for future generations.

  • Academic Writing
  • Information and communication technologies (in English)
  • Sociology
  • Social ecology
  • Biological ecology
  • Geoecology
  • Physical educationpre
  • graduate practice
  • Ecology of animals and plants
  • Physical phenomena in natural science
  • Kazakh/Russian language
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Teaching about the environment
  • Cultural studies
  • Educational practice
  • Waste management of production and consumption
  • Production practice
  • Industrial ecology
  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Legal bases of nature management and environmental protection
  • Fundamentals of environmental management
  • Philosophy
  • Foreign language
  • Environmental design and EIA
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Environmental regulation, expertise and audit
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Environmental audit of agro-industrial enterprises
  • Agroecology
  • Food ecology
  • Academic Writing
  • Anthropogenic landscape studies
  • Ecological diagnostics of territories
  • Biogeochemistry
  • The origin and evolution of the biosphere
  • Biotesting and bioindication
  • Protection and restoration of disturbed ecosystems
  • Hydrology
  • Global ecology
  • Physical Culture
  • Professionally oriented foreign language
  • Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
  • Leadership and youth policy
  • Ecology of Kazakhstan
  • Protection and restoration of soil resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Ecology of microorganisms
  • Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture
  • Water resources management
  • Natural water improvement and wastewater treatment
  • Fundamentals of life safety
  • Urban ecology
  • Shock science
  • Ecology and sustainable development
  • Scientific research in ecology
  • GIS in ecology and nature management
  • Ecological biogeography
  • Environmental mapping
  • Environmental safety
  • Environmental resource studies
  • Eco-tourism
  • Organization and management in ecology
  • Fundamentals of Economics and entrepreneurship
  • Energy conservation

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Express opinions in the state, Russian and foreign languages in various spheres of modern society, including professional ones, be able to correctly defend your point of view, offer new solutions, working in a team.
  • To identify the cause-and-effect relationships of the processes taking place in Kazakhstan and the world on the basis of humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science knowledge.
  • To use IT, GIS, Smart, mobile technologies, software for mapping and environmental design in the educational process and future professional activities; to create environmental maps using GIS technologies in order to study the state of the Earth's geospheric shells.
  • To analyze the state of the environment (atmosphere, water, soil) using specialized monitoring devices and bioindication methods.
  • To evaluate the activities and reproduce the algorithm for conducting an audit of enterprises that use natural resources, taking into account established environmental standards; to describe the levels of the management structure in the field of ecology and environmental management, to develop research projects in the field of ecology.
  • To use in practice legislative acts, legal norms and technical standards regulating human attitude to the environment in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including international treaties and agreements.
  • To determine the features of the conditions of the course of the biological, geological, biogeochemical cycle of substances in the biosphere; to recognize the geoecological principles of economic development of geosystems.
  • Explain the origin, evolution and structure of the biosphere; analyze various aspects of the interaction of living organisms and the environment, provide information schematically; identify problematic situations in the system "environment – human habitat – industrial activity", identify the causes and propose solutions to these problems.
  • To compare international and domestic experience in the development of eco-tourism, to improve the domestic tourism industry, based on the principle of local lore and the characteristics of the natural resource potential of the territory.