Social pedagogy and self-awareness, inclusive education tutor
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

  • Training of social educators and teachers of self-knowledge, tutors of inclusive education capable of providing socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance and support for children with special needs (cognitive, intellectual, physiological, behavioral), education of moral, civic-patriotic, emotional-volitional and empathic qualities aimed at forming universal and professional competencies of social educators and tutors of inclusive education.
  • Academic writing
  • Information and Communication Technologies (in English)
  • Special Pedagogy
  • Sociology
  • History of social pedagogy and self-knowledge
  • Social Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Technologies of socio-pedagogical work
  • Design in socio-pedagogical work
  • Education management and digitalization
  • Deviantology
  • Physical Culture
  • Undergraduate practice
  • Inclusive education
  • Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Criteria-based assessment technologies
  • Kazakh/Russian language
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Culturology
  • Physiology of the development of schoolchildren
  • Educational practice
  • Socio-pedagogical work with the family
  • Self-knowledge
  • Self-Knowledge Teaching Methodology
  • Internship
  • Pedagogy
  • Introduction to the teaching profession
  • Psychology
  • Political science
  • Theory and methodology of educational work
  • Continuous teaching practice
  • Philosophy
  • Foreign language
  • Shokan studies
  • Trainings in the course "Self-Knowledge"
  • Practical psychology in the work of a social pedagogue
  • Psychological and pedagogical workshop in the activities of a social teacher
  • Professional competence of a social educator and tutor of inclusive education
  • Inclusive competence of the social educator
  • Mediation in socio-pedagogical work
  • Socio-psychological counseling
  • Organization of children's public associations
  • Leadership workshop
  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with special educational needs
  • Accompanying the family in the context of inclusive education
  • The specifics of the work of a tutor in the system of inclusive education
  • Socialization in an inclusive educational space
  • Family education in an inclusive environment
  • Social education in an inclusive environment
  • Theory and methodology of tutoring in an inclusive environment
  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of an inclusive environment
  • Conflictology
  • Leadership and youth policy
  • Legal Pedagogy
  • Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture
  • Technologies of psychological and pedagogical counseling in the activities of a teacher of self--knowledge
  • Innovative technologies in teaching self-knowledge
  • Legal basis for ecology and life safety
  • Shokan studies
  • Ecology and sustainable development
  • Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Juvenile Pedagogy

Learning outcomes and competencies

Other educational programs