On the basis of NJSC Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, the third block of the training seminar was held on the topic “Development of competencies among students in the field of waste management using innovative teaching methods”.The seminar was organized within the framework of the EU Erasmus + project “Development of the circular economy in partner countries through the development and implementation of the master's program Waste Management / UnWaste.The participants of the seminar were welcomed by Rector Syrlybaev M.K., project coordinator from the University of Wismar Gunnar Prause, country coordinator Koshkin I.V., local coordinator Kurmanbayeva A.S., adviser to the rector for international project management, coordinator of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after. S.Seifullin Satybaldieva G.K.During the week from 26 to 30 June, teachers from Kokshetau University gave lectures and conducted trainings using new approaches. Local coordinator Kurmanbayeva A.S. conducted work in microgroups and discussed the competencies of students in the field of waste management with employers, teachers, students and undergraduates.Teacher of the KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov Sabitova D.S. held an open lecture and practical session on the topics "What does the Internet think? Ways to protect against disinformation in the scientific world" and "Personal learning environment: common ground".The participants of the seminar were also able to visit such enterprises as JSC "Kokshetau Mineral Waters" and LLP "GorMolZavod" in order to get acquainted with the technology of waste processing. They also visited the research laboratory of the Youth Palace "Bolashak Saray".At the end of the seminar-training, the participants were awarded certificates and memorable gifts.