"Translation studies" (English, German/Chinese)
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects

Foreign language (English)
The World History

Objectives of the educational program

  • Formation of students' general linguistic and pragmatic-communicative knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for professional translation activities;
  • Education of a highly moral, tolerant personality respecting universal civil and national values;
  • Application of translation skills in professional activities in the conditions of information and digital technologies in the field of business and socio-political communication and their use in the further career of the graduate;
  • Socialization of professional translators on the basis of knowledge of the socio-psychological foundations of teamwork and able to establish business and creative relationships with partners.

Relevance of the educational program

globalization and the development of economic, socio-political and intercultural ties between countries determine the need to train translators with the necessary professional competencies to work in various spheres of life and production.

  • Kazakh language/Russian language
  • Foreign language (second)
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Academic Writing (in English)
  • Basic foreign language
  • Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication
  • Basics of professional activity of a translator
  • Practical grammar and writing of the first foreign language
  • Practical phonetics and listening comprehension of the first foreign language
  • Fundamentals of the theory of the studied language
  • Translation theory
  • Translation of special texts
  • Translation practice
  • Basics of Interpreting
  • Language for special purposes (level C1)
  • Language for special purposes (level C2)
  • Technical translation

  • Intercultural communication and translation problems
  • Workshop on the culture of speech communication/minor
  • Practice of literary translation
  • Translation recording practice
  • Business English
  • Translation abstracting and annotation of texts by specialty
  • Features of translation of office documentation
  • Translation of documentation of international organizations
  • Media and Information Grammaticality
  • Terminology for translators
  • Professionally-oriented foreign language
  • Translation of legal textsTranslation of special scientific and technical texts
  • Functional style
  • Culture of the country of the target language
  • Literature of the country of the studied language
  • Consecutive interpreting
  • Stylistic techniques of public speaking

Learning outcomes and competencies

Conferred degree: Bachelor of Humanities in the educational program

6B02302 “Translation studies” (English, German/Chinese)

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