Social and juvenile pedagogy
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

  • Training of social and juvenile teachers capable of providing socio-pedagogical and juvenile assistance in educational and additional educational institutions, in the system of penitentiary institutions, juvenile justice, in crisis centers, centers for the adaptation of minors.


It is determined by the need for competent, in-demand personnel who have comprehensive information about the main provisions of the protection of children's rights, knowledge of the current legislation and law enforcement practice in the field of protection of the rights of minors, understanding the problem of restorative justice in relation to juvenile delinquents, prevention of delinquent behavior of children and adolescents, as well as the formation of social skills pedagogical activity with minors based on the implementation of the principles of juvenile law.

  • Аcademic writing
  • Information and Communication Technologies (in English)
  • Sociology
  • History of social and juvenile pedagogy
  • Ethics of social and juvenile pedagogue
  • Social Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Education management and digitalization
  • deviantology
  • Physical Culture
  • undergraduate practice
  • Age Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Inclusive education
  • Administrative law and administrative responsibility of minors
  • Criteria-based assessment technologies
  • Kazakh language
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Juvenile Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Culturology
  • Mediation
  • Physiology of the development of schoolchildren
  • Theory of Government and Rights
  • Educational practice
  • Internship
  • Pedagogy
  • Introduction to the teaching profession
  • Teaching practice
  • Pedagogical practice (continuous)
  • Psychology
  • Political science
  • Theory and methodology of educational work
  • Philosophy
  • Foreign language
  • Pedagogy and psychology of juvenile activity
  • Civil and family law
  • Procedural law in the work of a social pedagogue
  • Forms and methods of work of a social pedagogue
  • Technologies of socio-pedagogical activity
  • Practical psychology in socio-pedagogical activity
  • Designing socio-pedagogical activities
  • Legal education in educational institutions
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Correction of conflict behavior of adolescents
  • Prevention of juvenile delinquency
  • Conflictology
  • Leadership and youth policy
  • Criminal law policy of Kazakhstan
  • Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Fundamentals of the state structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Workshop on Legal Psychology
  • Criminal law
  • Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture
  • Legal regulation of family relations
  • Legal Pedagogy
  • Fundamentals of life safety
  • Protection of the rights of socially vulnerable segments of the population
  • Shokan studies
  • Ecology and sustainable development
  • Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Monitoring in juvenile pedagogy
  • Consultative and diagnostic activity of a juvenile teacher
  • Psychological and pedagogical workshop on juvenile activities
  • Methods of scientific research in juvenology
  • Legal psychology in juvenology

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Demonstrate the humanistic and value attitudes of the individual, the culture of academic honesty, the ability to integrate fundamental and methodological knowledge in social and juvenile pedagogy.
  • To take into account the specifics and modern combination of global, national and regional development of the social sphere, the culture of public, state and private life in the activities of a social and juvenile teacher.
  • Demonstrate the ability to diagnose, control and evaluate activities, using traditional and innovative technologies, Internet and Intranet resources.
  • Implement research and design and applied activities in the field of social and juvenile pedagogy using pedagogical, information and communication technologies.
  • Carry out practical and advisory activities to provide social assistance to children and vulnerable groups of the population.
  • Modify psychological and pedagogical techniques and methods of working with students, pupils with special educational needs, organize teamwork in organizations and centers for rehabilitation and correction, including in the psychological and pedagogical council.
  • Use information and communication technologies in professional activities and operate with modern innovations in the education system.
  • Demonstrate academic writing skills when using international and domestic regulatory documents in the professional activities of a social and juvenile teacher
  • Observe the principles of ethics of a lawyer, ethics of business communication, while showing respect for law and law; know new theoretical and applied issues that allow to study in depth the legal framework of Kazakhstan and foreign legislation.
  • Apply legal concepts that define the state and law; understand the system of law and legislation; understand the meaning of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the main law; apply the norms of administrative, private international law; analyze international legal acts, give legal opinions and consultations
  • Represent the interests of citizens and organizations in courts and other law enforcement agencies, make legal decisions and perform other legal actions in strict accordance with the law.
  • Apply criminal law concepts, definitions; understand the system of criminal law and legislation; draw up procedural documents providing for appeal, review of sentences, decisions and rulings; demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities in the development of legal documents, carry out legal examination of normative acts.