Structure of the Youth Policy Department
The main goal of the MP Department is to implement the state youth policy at the university.
Tasks of the Department of Youth Policy:
ensuring a unified educational impact on the student's personality, contributing to the realization of the possibilities of the educational process, extracurricular activities, libraries, museums, health and sports complexes, the use of national, cultural and historical traditions of the region, interuniversity and interdepartmental relationships, contributing to the improvement of the level of training of specialists;
formation of students' civic position and basic culture, ability to work and live in conditions of modern civilization and democratization of society;
creation of an environment of spiritual and moral values and organized educational activities of students at the university; formation of national and ethnic tolerance in the modern youth subculture;
formation of hard work among young people, a responsible attitude to the future profession, an active life position, values for a healthy lifestyle;
creating the necessary conditions for the self-realization of the student's personality in various fields.
Room № 211 (main building)
Tel.: 8 716 2 72 11 05

Tileubaeva Nazgul Naizabekovna

Vaganova Natalia Anatolievna
Deputy Head

Baltabekova Manar Amangeldievna
Specialist Coordinator project «Мәңгілік ел жастары – индустрияға!»

Zhanabekov Darkhan Kabidenovich

Zhunusov Azamat Ermekovich
Sound engineer, artistic director of the vocal studio "New voice"

Kuzembaev Ulukbek Elemesovich
Specialist coordinator of students' activities in university dormitories

Nasyrov Kudaibergen Nasyrovich
Artistic Director of the student youth theater-studio "Zhaukazyn"

Nurmagambetova Mahabbat Saparovna

Suleimenova Moldir Batyrbekovna
Artistic Director of the dombra ensemble " Шаңырақ"

Terekhina Alena Gennadievna
Choreographer, artistic director of the dance studio "Impulse"

Алтын Манапова

Айнаш Абитаева