Primary education
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

Training of professional primary school teachers capable of translating innovative and updated strategies for primary education through: - the formation of fundamental competencies of a primary school teacher in accordance with the requirements of the updated content of primary education; - education of moral, civil-patriotic, emotional-volitional and empathic qualities of the personality of an elementary school teacher; - development of applied skills and abilities to create creative, design and technological activities of an elementary school teacher in the natural-mathematical, humanitarian and linguistic areas of education;

  • Аcademic writing
  • Information and Communication Technologies (in English)
  • Sociology
  • Methods of teaching primer and native speech
  • Criteria-based assessment technology
  • Practice-oriented methods of the system of updated content of primary education
  • Children's literature for elementary school
  • Methods of teaching the knowledge of the world and natural science in elementary school
  • Theory and methods of teaching the Russian (Kazakh) language in elementary school
  • Literacy education in elementary school (in Latin script for KO)
  • Fundamentals of mathematics in elementary school
  • Education management and digitalization
  • Physical Culture
  • undergraduate practice
  • Inclusive education
  • Workshop on calligraphy and expressive reading
  • Kazakh/Russian language
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Theory and methods of teaching mathematics
  • Culturology
  • Physiology of the development of schoolchildren
  • Educational practice
  • Internship
  • Pedagogy
  • Introduction to the teaching profession
  • Teaching practice
  • Psychology
  • Political science
  • Theory and methodology of educational work
  • Continuous teaching practice
  • Philosophy
  • Foreign language
  • Shokan studies
  • SMART primary school teacher education
  • Organization of children's public associations
  • Methods of scientific and pedagogical research in primary education
  • Didactics of elementary school
  • Methods of polylingual education of children of primary school age
  • Fundamentals of scientific experiment in elementary school pedagogy
  • Ethical and legal framework for the activity of a primary school teacher
  • Professional ethics of an elementary school teacher
  • Methods of teaching literary reading in elementary school
  • Methods of labor education in elementary school
  • Methods of teaching a foreign language in elementary school
  • Workshop on Smart Education in Primary School
  • Fundamentals of knowledge of the world in elementary school
  • Theory and methods of physical education in elementary school
  • Health-saving technologies in elementary school
  • Labor technology in elementary school
  • Basics of natural science in elementary school
  • Fundamentals of socio-historical knowledge in elementary school
  • Music education in elementary school
  • Pedagogy and psychology of elementary school
  • Technology of literary education of younger schoolchildren
  • Development of creativity of younger students
  • Vozhatsky workshop
  • Professional Acmeology
  • Natural science education of junior schoolchildren
  • Leadership and youth policy
  • Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture
  • Pedagogical deontology
  • Fundamentals of life safety
  • Organization of the pedagogical process in an ungraded primary school
  • Organization of the activities of a teacher in an ungraded elementary school
  • Ecology and sustainable development
  • Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • demonstrates formed personal qualities, universal and professional (teaching, educating, methodical, research, social and communicative) competencies and a culture of academic honesty;
  • demonstrates the ability to navigate the main strategies and vectors of state policy in the field of education; youth policy of the state; national ideology of education of children and youth;
  • is oriented in modern information and communication flows, demonstrates the ability to adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes of society and is a competitive specialist in the field of education;
  • knows the classical principles of elementary school pedagogy; methodology, theory and practice of vocational education, owns modern educational technologies, methods, means and forms of teaching children of primary school age, a system of criteria-based assessment of educational achievements and taking into account knowledge, skills and abilities (monitoring);
  • -
  • demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abilities of the subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological foundations of teaching and academic writing in the elementary school system; applies theoretical knowledge in the professional activities of a primary school teacher, as well as in the construction of specific educational models for the organization of the educational process in primary school in accordance with the updated content of education;
  • designs and models the educational environment using knowledge and understanding of facts, theories and interactions in the field of study; develops systematic measurements (descriptors) of educational achievements of elementary school students;
  • demonstrates personal professional growth and a constant desire for improvement through self-development, self-education, self-education, pedagogical reflection; researches and evaluates innovations in professional activity; uses the results of scientific and practical research and other external evidence sources in order to improve their professional level.