History of the Chair
The Department of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics was founded in 1962 togetherwith the entire Pedagogical Institute and was organized as the Department of Physics andMathematics (under the direction of Tyulebekov A.A.). The first teachers of the department wereTyulebekov A.A., Volodarsky V.E., Zhaparov Zh.Zh., Subkhankulov V.G., Demin V.G.In 1965, the department grew into the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, whichincluded two departments: the Department of Physics and the Department of Mathematics. TheDepartment of Mathematics was headed by Senior Lecturer Maysakanov S.Zh.In the 1967-1968 academic year, there were some changes in the staff of theDepartment of Higher Mathematics: Baitasov K.S. was appointed head of the department,Kriulko G.V. (Ph.D.), Bagmut G.I. ., Boranbaev S.N. (c.p.-m.s.), Musabekov K.S.At the end of the 1966-1967 academic year, Zakutner M.Ya., associate professor,candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, headed the department of physics. During thisperiod, the department was replenished with 6 teachers.In 1972, Ph.D., associate professor Zhulamanov K.D. came to the KokchetavPedagogical Institute. and began his career as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. At the sametime, he worked at the Department of Mathematical Analysis as an Associate Professor until1990.Since September 1966 Volodarsky V.E. By the end of the 60s, associate professor,Ph.D. Zakutner M.Ya., Petrushenko N.I. and Barmakina R.V., a graduate of the KokchetavPedagogical Institute, who graduated with honors.In 1986, a laboratory of computer technology was opened, the head of which wasappointed associate professor Domalevsky S.S., a graduate of KazGU named after S.M.Kirov.The technical base of this laboratory consisted of 12 DVK computers. The staff of the laboratoryconsisted of 3 people: Domalevsky S.S. (head of the laboratory), Toksanov N. (graduate of theMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology) and Akishev D. (graduate of Kazakh StateUniversity named after S.M. Kirov). As teaching aids in this laboratory, first electronic-mechanical and then electronic microcalculators were used. In 1987, the laboratory wasreplenished with two new computer classes YAMAHA, united in a local network.On the basis of this laboratory, in 1991, the Department of Informatics and ComputerEngineering was opened, headed by Associate Professor Boranbaev S.N., a graduate of KazakhState University named after S.M.Kirov. In the late 90s, the Department of Mathematics washeaded by Zholaman B.K., a graduate of the Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov,Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.Since 2000, at various times, the following teachers have been the heads of theDepartment of Mathematics and Mathematics: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical SciencesRakhimzhanov B.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Turtkaraeva G.B.,Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Baishagirov Kh.Zh..From 2007 to 2013, the Department of Mathematics and Mathematics is headed byDoctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NIA RKSh.N.Kuttykozhaeva. The Department of Physics and Teaching Methods is also the oldestdepartment with a half-century period of educational and methodological activity at the facultyand at the university.In the late 70s and early 80s, there were two departments: general physics (head of thedepartment Volodarsky V.E.) and theoretical physics (head of the department Lupin V.M.). In1986, both departments were merged into one: the Department of General and TheoreticalPhysics.From 1986 to 2000 Ashirov R.R. was appointed head of the department.From 2005 to 2008 Ashirov R.R. was the head of the department. In September 2008,the staff of the department increased by one more doctor of science Mukhamedin S.M., who wasappointed head of the department of physics and MT.In 1991, the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering was organized,headed by Associate Professor Boranbaev S.N. - Graduate of Kazakh State University namedafter S.M. Kirov.In 2001, the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering was renamed intothe Department of Informatics and MT.From 2001 to 2015, the head of the Department of Informatics and MT was Ph.D. Sc.,Associate Professor Ilyasheva G.I., a graduate of the Faculty of Electronic and ComputerEngineering of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin (Kantu named after K.I.Satpaev).From 2015 to 2021, the Department of Computer science and MT was headed by agraduate of our university, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professorKostangeldinova A.A.In 2016, the Department of Mathematics and Mathematics was merged with the Department of Physics and renamed the Department of Physics and Mathematics.In 2021, the Department of Physics and Mathematics merged with the Department ofComputer science and Mathematics. As a result of this merger, since 2021 the department hasacquired a new name: the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer science.
From 2013-2022, the Department of mathematics, physics and computer science was headed by сandidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Damekova S.K.
From 2022 to the present, the Department of mathematics, physics and computer science has been successfully led by candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kostangeldinova Alma Akzhanovna.