1. IRN AP09258780 "Germanica in Kazakhstan: language, ethnicity, personality in a sociolinguistic, lingo-personological and lingo-didactic perspective" (Baymanova Lyazzat Seitzievna)
2. IRNAR09058089 Creation and use of a multi-year near-village pasture conveyor for productive dairy horse breeding of a stable-pasture maintenance system (Baidalin Marden Ersainovich)
3. IRN AP09259015 "Development of technology for efficient processing of organic waste by thermophilic fermentation and production of biological fertilizer". (Bayazitova Zulfiya Erzatovna)
4. IRNAR09258554 "Creation of a network of Children's universities KAZСUNET" (Damekova Saule Kayrollovna)
5. IRN AR13268760 Adaptation of aquatic ecosystems of Northern Kazakhstan to climate change and ensuring water safety (Yessenzholov Baurzhan Khairdenovich)
6. IRN AP 14869264 "Motivational reflection of children in the context of mono- and bilingual personality formation" (Zhakupova Aigul Doszhanovna)
7. IRNAR14871729 Creation of a scientific and educational consortium of universities in Kazakhstan to reduce the gap between the quality of English language teaching in urban and rural schools (Ismagulova Ainagul Yerbulatovna)
8. IRN No. AP14972630 "The role of multilingual education of schoolchildren in early profiling in the context of the Atlas of new professions and competencies of Kazakhstan" (Moldabekova Sandugash Kayrkhanovna)
9. AP14869833 Strengthening the psychological health of Kazakhstani schoolchildren as a factor in reducing the risks of cyberbullying in the process of network socialization (Rakisheva Gulmira Madieva)
10. AP14972658 Improvement of the technology of cultivation of sweet clover for seeds according to the "green" principle with elements of organic farming in the conditions of the Akmola region (Suraganov Miras Nurbayevich)
11. IRN AP13268752 Images of Kazakh linguistic culture in translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan (Temirova Zhanna Germanovna)
12. IRN AR 19574645 "Typology and poetics of modern Kazakh aitys" (Tleuberdina Gulden Tokatovna)
13. IRN AP19679364 "Development of integrated terrestrial and remote methods for assessing the condition of plants to optimize the mineral nutrition of grain crops in the chernozem zone of Northern Kazakhstan" (Khusainova Razya Kairbekovna)
14. IRN AP22686906 «Assessment and modeling of the impact of spring floods on environmental hazard zones in Akmola region» (Madina Rustamovna Aitzhanova)
15. ИРН AP 23487981 Developing the technology for reclaiming the closed landfill of solid domestic waste in Akmola region by creating an artificial phytocenosis model(Bayazitova Zulfiya Erzatovna)
16. ИРН AP19674499 «Raising the productivity and stability of forage crops, including varieties and hybrids, to increase the milk productivity of Holstein cows in Northern Kazakhstan» (Baidalin Marden Ersainovich)
17. ИРН AP23484165 «Clinical-diagnostic and morphologic determinants of diseases of the large intestine: innovative approaches and solutions» (Igisin Nurbek Sagynbekuly)
18. ИРН AP23487659 «Formation of cultural values and civic identity in the multilingual space of Kazakhstan in the era of globalization» (Dalbergenova Lyazzat Yelemessovna)
19. ИРН AP23488158 The history of the formation of the multiethnic composition of the population and the process of nation-building in Northern Kazakhstan (late XIX - XX centuries)(Utegenov Marat)
20. AP23490379 The life and culture of the Yessil-Sileti historical and geographical region's population: ethnoarchaeological study (Zhanissov A)
21. ИРН AP19676455 «Scientific and methodological approaches to popularization of science in children's and youth environment by modern technological means of communications» (Diana Sairanovna Sabitova)
22. ИРН AP22682778 «Development of technology for gold extraction from technogenic raw materials using innovative method of controlled flows in heap leaching» (Dinara Suyundikovna Kaumetova)
23. ИРН AP22683056 «Biochemical and energy evaluation of sugar sorghum genotypes and improvement of biomass production techniques for conversion to bioethanol» (Bogapov Ildar Maratovich)
24. ИРН AP22686434 «Создание многоязычного текстового корпуса, устанавливающего рефреновые отношения с именными группами» (Қалман Гүлжан)
25. ИРН AP22686906 «Assessment and modeling of the impact of spring floods on environmental hazard zones in Akmola region» (Madina Rustamovna Aitzhanova)
26. ИРН AP23490415Development of a combined soil tillage-seeding unit with a working width of 3.6 meters for spread seeding of cereal crops (Nurbol Ayazbayevich Kakabaev)