History of the Chair
The Department of Biology and TM begins its history on September 1, 1984, whenthe graduating Department of Chemistry and Biology was first organized at theKokchetav Pedagogical Institute named after Sh. Valikhanov. The first enrolling of thedepartment was 50 students. Associate Professor N.N. Kozachenko was appointed headof the Department of Chemistry and Biology.The following scientists have worked and are working for the benefit of thedepartment: Sapega V.A., Moser R.R., Mineev V.I., Gorkovenko L.G., Arystanov E.A.,Volkova Z.V., Smailova G.T., Kurmanbaeva A.S., Arystanova Sh.E., Safronova N.M.,Zhumabaeva S.E., Kakabaev A.A., Idrisova E.K., Temirbekov Zh.T., DurmekbaevaSh.N., Onerkhan G., Zandybay A., Babenko O.N., Akhmetova N.P., KyzdarbekovaG.T.
The department in different years was headed by: Associate Professor, Candidateof Biological Sciences Yakovleva N.I.; Associate Professor, Candidate of BiologicalSciences Gorkovenko L.G., Candidate of Biological Sciences Arystanov E.A. (1996-1999), Candidate of Biological Sciences Zhumabaeva S.E. (2001); Candidate ofBiological Sciences Kakabaev A.A. (2001-2004), Candidate of Biological SciencesSafronova N.M. (2004-2007). From 2007 to the present, the head of the Department ofBiology and TM is Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Durmekbaeva Sh.N.2018 – The opening of the lecture hall named after M.D., Professor TemirbekovZh.T2019 – The opening of the branch of the departments «Biology and ТM», «Plantand Soil Science», «Geography, ecology and tourism» at the production base of theState National Nature Park «Burabaу».2020 – Аccording to the results of the XIII Republican Subject Olympiad inBiology among students of higher educational institutions, the 4th–year student of thedepartment Kudabai Adilkhan Sapargaliuly was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.
2020 – Тhe educational program Biology (education), developed by thedepartment, took 1st place among 28 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstanaccording to the results of the rating of National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of theRepublic of Kazakhstan «Atameken».2021 – The XIII Republican Subject Olympiad in Biology among students ofhigher educational institutions was held on the basis of the Department of Biology andТM.2021 – The opening of the branch of the departments «Biology and ТM» and«Chemistry and Biotechnology» on the basis of the KSU «Lyceum School No.18 of thecity of Kokshetau named after Saken Zhunusov of the Department of Education for thecity of Kokshetau of the Department of Education of the Akmola region».2021 – The educational program Biology (education), developed by thedepartment, took 2nd place among 25 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstanaccording to the results of the rating of National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of theRepublic of Kazakhstan «Atameken».2022 – The opening of a modern interactive classroom «Methods оf TeachingBiology» at the department.